National initiatives and developments in Finland within NSDI Reino Ruotsalainen National Land Survey of Finland Rina Tammisto Statistics Finland
INSPIRE implementation in Finland National INSPIRE WG prepared the implementation plan and left it to the Minister of Agriculture in the mid of February; comments are requested in March Proposal contains partly broader and faster implementation than the INSPIRE directive requires Network services and their support should be organized based on the national geoportal (under responsibility of NLS Finland)
INSPIRE implementation in Finland National WG evaluated, that the cost/benefit ratio of the INSPIRE implementation would be better than 1:5 National law on Geographic Information Infrastructure is under development; it will define also the responsibilities of data producers (also concerning statistical data?); this law should be ready latest 2009-05-15; time schedule is not easy, because IR’s may have some influences and they are not in use yet.
Initiatives and developments in Statistics Finland Role in the national INSPIRE implementation - ”a party to be heard” comments on INSPIRE directive, the national implementation work as well as the list of datasets of the basic national geographic information Next: the final report of the national INSPIRE group At Statistics Finland: A new production model Geography in Statistics -project DWG