Grasses Anatomy – FLASH CARDS Major terms related to grass stucture
Blade Sheath A grass leaf is made of 2 parts: The _____________ …. and the… The _____________ Blade Sheath
Swelling or knobs on stem of a grass Node
Unit Between swellings of knobs on stem of a grass Internode
Where the sheath and blade join? Collar
Structure inside the collar of a leaf? Ligule
Finger-like structure at the edge of grass collar? Auricle
A group of florets inside a set of glumes? Spikelet
Each spikelet is made up of individual _________ Florets
Two folded structures at the base of a spikelet? Glumes
Awn Hair-like or bristle-like appendage at tip of floret or glume? University of Idaho Herbarium
Hair-like or bristle-like appendage at tip of floret or glume? Awn