He mea waihanga mō tētahi kaupapa a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.


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Presentation transcript:

He mea waihanga mō tētahi kaupapa a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga. Te tūhura i te tōpana He mea waihanga mō tētahi kaupapa a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga. © New Zealand Ministry of Education 2010 – copying restricted to use by New Zealand education sector.

Te tō ā-papa He maha ngā momo tōpana e mōhiotia ana, pērā i te tō ā-papa. Kāhore e kitea te tōpana, engari e kitea te pānga o te tōpana ki tētahi mea i te nekeneke o taua mea. Ko te tō ā-papa he tōpana kumekume, whakapā-kore, i waenga i ētahi mea e rua, i runga anō i te papatipu o aua mea. Mā te tō ā-papa o Papatūānuku e mau tonu ai ngā mea katoa ki te mata o te whenua. Ko te rahi o te tōnga o tētahi mea, koia ko tōna taumaha.

Hei mahi 1 – Ngā tohutohu Tūhurangia te pānga o te taumaha o ngā māhē ki te roa o te pūniko (waea pōkai). Tuhia ō kitenga. Whakawhiti kōrero mō te hononga o te taumaha me te roa? He aha tēnei hononga? Āta whakaarohia tēnei mahi. He whakamātau tika, kāore rānei? Ka taea te pūniko te whakamahi hei ine i te taumaha? Tūhurangia te ine-tōpana pūniko me tana mahi.

Te Waku He tōpana whakapā te waku, he tōpana ātete, arā, ka papare i te neke o tētahi mea. He āwhina nui te waku i ētahi mahi a te tangata, he whakararu anō te waku i ētahi mahi. Ka taea e te tangata te whakapiki i te waku, te whakaiti rānei hei painga māna.

Hei mahi 2 – Ngā tohutohu Tīkina he poro rākau, ka ine ai i te waku kei waenganui i te poro me te papa e whakauaua ana i te nuku o te poro. Waihangatia ētahi whakamātau hei whakarerekē te rahi o te waku. Matapaetia ngā hua ka puta. Mahia tētahi whakamātau. He aha ngā rautaki hei whakapiki, hei whakaiti rānei i te waku?

He tūhuratanga anō He mea nui te waku ina ka nuku te waka, te motokā, te waka rererangi, te rauropi, he aha rānei i rō hau, i rō wai rānei. He aha ētahi raruraru o te waku i aua wāhi? Ko te āhuahanga he mea āwhina i ēnei mahi. Inea te wā kia taka te poi kerepeti ki te takere o te ipu nui. Ki ōu whakaaro, ka ahatia mehemea he rerekē te āhua o te mea ka tukuna kia taka? He aha i pēnei ai? Whakamātauria. (Kia tika te whakamātau.)

He pātai hei whakawhiti kōrero He aha ngā kupu matua mō tēnei kaupapa? He aha ngā hononga o tēnei kaupapa ki te ao o te ākonga? He aha ētahi kōwai ako e hāngai ana ki tēnei kaupapa? Me pēhea te whakahāngai i te ngohe ki ngā Taumata 3, 4, 5? He aha ngā pūkenga e tutuki pai ai tēnei ngohe? Me pēhea te whakawhānui, te whakahōhonu rānei i te kaupapa, hei wero i te hinengaro? (te reo matatini o te pūtaiao pea?) He aha ētahi āhuatanga o te reo matatini o te pūtaiao i tēnei kaupapa? He aha ētahi momo aromatawai?

He rauemi tautoko He Tūāpapa Pūtaiao – Te Waku: He tōpana ātete (taumata 3, 4) Pūtaiao i roto i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa: He Rauemi Tautoko (taumata 5) New House Science Book B – George Hook Unit 11 (level 5) http://www.tutorfi.com/Science/frictionforchildren (level 3)