Gwasanaethau cymorth dysgwyr mewn colegau addysg bellach ar gyfer dysgwyr 16-10 oed Learner support services in further education colleges for learners aged 16-19
Cefndir Background Mae gwasanaethau cymorth dysgwyr yn cynnwys hyfforddiant ar gyfer dysgu, cymorth personol, a gwybodaeth a chyfarwyddyd gyrfaoedd. Dyma’r ail o ddau adroddiad: Cyhoeddodd Estyn yr adroddiad cyntaf ar wasanaethau cymorth dysgwyr i ddisgyblion ysgol 14 – 16 oed yn 2014. Mae’r adroddiad hwn wedi’i seilio ar ymweliadau â 12 coleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru sy’n darparu addysg i ddysgwyr 16-19. Learner support services include coaching for learning, personal support, and careers information and guidance. The report is the second of two: Estyn published the first report on learner support services for school pupils aged 14 – 16 in 2014. This report is based on visits to 12 further education colleges in Wales that provide education to learners aged 16-19.
Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings Mae gan y rhan fwyaf o golegau amrywiaeth dda o gymorth ar waith i’w dysgwyr. Mae gwasanaethau cymorth a thiwtoriaid a rheolwyr yn defnyddio systemau gwybodaeth reoli yn dda i fonitro cynnydd dysgwyr Mae colegau’n rhoi cyngor da i ddysgwyr i’w helpu i ddewis y cwrs cywir. Maent yn asesu medrau llythrennedd a rhifedd dysgwyr, ac yn cynnig help i wella’r rhain lle bo angen. Ar draws Cymru, dywed colegau fod rhwng 20% a 35% o ddysgwyr angen cymorth â’u medrau llythrennedd neu rifedd er mwyn ymdopi â galwadau eu dewis cyrsiau. Mae systemau sefydledig ar waith ym mhob coleg i gefnogi dysgwyr y mae arnynt angen datblygu eu medrau sylfaenol ac mae gan bron bob un ohonynt systemau da i helpu dysgwyr ddatblygu medrau hanfodol cyfathrebu, cymhwyso rhif a llythrennedd digidol hyd at lefel un. Most colleges have a good range of support in place for their learners. Support services and tutors and managers use management information systems well to monitor learners’ progress Colleges give learners good advice to help them choose the right course. They assess learners’ literacy and numeracy skills, and offer help to improve these where needed. Across Wales, colleges report that between 20% and 35% of learners need support with their literacy or numeracy skills in order to cope with the demands of their chosen courses. All colleges have well-established systems in place to support learners who need to develop their basic skills and nearly all have good systems to help learners develop essential skills of communication, application of number and digital literacy to level one.
Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings Mae gweithio mewn partneriaeth agos rhwng yr ysgol, y sefydliad a Gyrfa Cymru yn sicrhau bod pob dysgwr ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn cael cymorth da, cynlluniedig wrth symud ymlaen o’r ysgol i addysg bellach. Yn achos dysgwyr eraill, dywed lleiafrif o golegau fod ailstrwythuro gwasanaethau Gyrfa Cymru wedi lleihau’r graddau y mae dysgwyr yn cael cyfarwyddyd a chyngor wyneb yn wyneb, diduedd. Mae colegau’n cydweithio’n dda â chynghorwyr Gyrfa Cymru. Caiff llawer o golegau gymorth gan gynghorwyr Gyrfa Cymru i helpu eu dysgwyr mwyaf agored i niwed. Mae gan bob coleg drefniadau sefydledig ar gyfer hyrwyddo’u cyrsiau i ddysgwyr sy’n paratoi i adael yr ysgol yn 16 oed. Close partnership working between the school, institution and Careers Wales ensures all learners with additional learning needs receive good, well-planned support as they progress from school to further education. For other learners, a minority of colleges say that the restructuring of Careers Wales services has reduced the extent to which learners receive impartial face-to-face guidance and advice. Colleges liaise well with Careers Wales advisers. Many colleges receive support from Careers Wales advisers to help their most vulnerable learners. All colleges have well-established arrangements for promoting their courses to learners who are preparing to leave school at 16.
Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings Heblaw am ddysgwyr ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, dywed y rhan fwyaf o golegau nad ydynt yn cael digon o wybodaeth am berfformiad addysgol, ymddygiad a phresenoldeb dysgwyr, sy’n ei gwneud hi’n anodd iddynt wneud cynlluniau digonol adeg mynediad i fodloni holl anghenion dysgwyr Mae’r ystod eang o ddarpariaeth a gyflwynir gan golegau yn rhoi hyblygrwydd a dewis da i ddysgwyr, gan eu galluogi i addasu eu dewisiadau o ran cyrsiau yn gynnar. Mae hyn yn helpu i annog dysgwyr i gynnal eu cysylltiad ag addysg Mae trefniadau da gan y rhan fwyaf o golegau i gefnogi dysgwyr ôl-16 sy’n ymuno yn hwyr yn y flwyddyn. Mae rhai ohonynt wedi datblygu cofrestru ym mis Ionawr i ddysgwyr ôl-16 sy’n gadael yr ysgol yn gynnar. Other than for learners with additional learning needs, most colleges say they do not receive enough information about the education performance, behaviour and attendance of learners, which makes it difficult for them to make adequate on-entry plans to meet all learners needs The broad range of provision that colleges deliver gives learners good flexibility and choice, enabling them to adjust their course choices early. This helps to encourage learners to stay engaged in education Most colleges have good arrangements to support post-16 learners who join late during the year. A few have developed January enrolments for post-16 learners who drop out of school early.
Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings Mae ychydig golegau yn datblygu systemau i fesur cynnydd yn ystod cyrsiau dysgwyr, neu eu ‘pellter teithio’, ond nid oes dull cyffredin ar draws Cymru. Dim ond ychydig bach iawn o golegau sydd â system i fonitro pa mor effeithiol y mae dysgwyr yn gwneud cynnydd tuag at yr amcanion a amlinellir yn Fframwaith Gyrfaoedd a Byd Gwaith (2008) Llywodraeth Cymru Mae colegau’n rhoi cymorth priodol i ddysgwyr bontio i’w cyrchfan nesaf. A few colleges are developing systems to measure the progress or ‘distance travelled’ during learners’ courses, but there is no common approach across Wales. Only a very few colleges have a system to monitor how effectively learners make progress towards the objectives laid out in the Welsh Government’s Careers and World of Work Framework (2008) Colleges give learners appropriate support to make the transition to their next destination.
Prif ganfyddiadau Main findings Mae colegau’n casglu gwybodaeth am gyrchfannau bwriadedig dysgwyr pan fyddant yn gadael. Er bod data ysgolion ar gyrchfannau wedi’i seilio ar waith Gyrfa Cymru yn olrhain dysgwyr i gadarnhau eu cyrchfannau pan fyddant wedi gadael yr ysgol, mae data sefydliadau addysg bellach ar gyrchfannau wedi’i seilio ar y bwriadau y mae dysgwyr yn eu datgan ac nid yw mor ddibynadwy. Mae hyn yn gostwng gwerth y wybodaeth ar gyfer arfarnu effaith cynllunio gyrfaol dysgwyr neu i gymharu eu dilyniant ag ymadawyr ysgol. Colleges gather information on learners’ intended destinations when they leave. Whereas school destination data is based on Careers Wales tracking learners to verify their destinations once they have left school, FE institution leaver’s destination data is based on learners’ declared intentions and is not as reliable. This reduces the value of the information to evaluate the impact of learners’ career planning or to compare their progression with school leavers.
Argymhellion Recommendations Dylai colegau addysg bellach: ddatblygu dull cyffredin o fesur cyflawniadau dysgwyr, gan gynnwys eu cynnydd yn erbyn yr amcanion sydd wedi’u hamlinellu yn Fframwaith Gyrfaoedd a Byd Gwaith (2008) Llywodraeth Cymru Further education colleges should: develop a common method to measure learners’ achievements, including their progress against the objectives set out in the Welsh Government’s Careers and the World of Work Framework (2008)
Argymhellion Recommendations Dylai awdurdodau lleol: wneud yn siŵr bod pob dysgwr yn gwybod am yr ystod lawn o opsiynau ôl-16 sydd ar gael iddynt gwneud yn siŵr bod colegau’n cael gwybodaeth amserol am gyflawniadau ac anghenion dysgu dysgwyr sy’n symud ymlaen i addysg bellach Local authorities should: make sure all learners are aware of the full range of post-16 options available to them make sure that colleges receive timely information about the achievements and support needs of learners progressing to further education
Argymhellion Recommendations Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru: weithio gydag ysgolion, colegau, Gyrfa Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu system genedlaethol o gasglu data ar gyrchfannau pobl ifanc 18 oed The Welsh Government should: work with schools, colleges, Careers Wales and local authorities to develop a national system for collecting data on the destinations of 18-year-olds
Arfer orau Best practice Mae ychydig enghreifftiau o golegau’n datblygu partneriaethau dychmygus sy’n hwyluso’r pontio i ddysgwyr ac sy’n gwella eu cysylltiad ag addysg. O ganlyniad i bartneriaeth Coleg y Cymoedd â Choleg Dewi Sant ac Ysgol Gyfun Gatholig Cardinal Newman, mae Ysgol Cardinal Newman wedi lleoli ei darpariaeth Blwyddyn 12 yng Ngholeg y Cymoedd, gan alluogi’r dysgwyr hynny i gynnal eu cysylltiadau â darpariaeth ffydd. There are a few examples of colleges developing imaginative partnerships that ease transition for learners and improve their engagement with education. Coleg y Cymoedd's partnership with St David’s College and Cardinal Newman Roman Catholic School has resulted in Cardinal Newman basing its Year 12 provision within Coleg y Cymoedd, enabling those learners to maintain their links with faith-based provision.
Arfer orau Best practice Mae’r cytundeb ffurfiol rhwng Rhwydwaith Partneriaeth 14-19 Gwynedd a Môn a Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn galluogi staff y lleoliad i gael at ddata ysgolion y mae’r bartneriaeth yn ei ddal am ddysgwyr. Hefyd, mae Coleg Menai yn gallu cael at ddata ar ddisgyblion a gedwir yn systemau gwybodaeth reoli ysgolion. Gall y sefydliad ystyried data ar bresenoldeb dysgwyr, anghenion dysgu ac amgylchiadau arbennig eraill. Mae’r data hwn yn rhoi gwybodaeth gywir y gellir ei defnyddio’n sylfaen ar gyfer cynnal asesiad o addasrwydd dysgwyr ar gyfer cyrsiau a rhoi arweiniad gwell sy’n helpu dysgwyr i ddod o hyd i’r cwrs mwyaf addas i’w hanghenion. The formal agreement between the Gwynedd and Môn 14-19 Partnership Network and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai enables the institution’s staff to access school data that the partnership holds about learners. Coleg Menai also has access to pupil data stored within schools’ management information systems. The institution can look at data on learners’ attendance, learning needs and other special circumstances. This data gives accurate information on which to base an assessment of learners’ suitability for courses and to give better informed guidance that helps learners identify the most suitable course for their needs.
5 questions for providers 5 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 5 questions for providers Oherwydd bod y rhan fwyaf o golegau bellach yn datblygu protocolau rhannu gwybodaeth gydag awdurdodau lleol, sut byddwn yn defnyddio hyn i wella’r pontio gan ddysgwyr o’r ysgol i’r coleg? Mae ychydig ddysgwyr yn newid cyrsiau yn ystod wythnosau cyntaf y tymor. Sut gallwn ni leihau’r nifer hwn fel nad yw’r dysgwyr hyn yn tarfu ar eu haddysg? Sut gallwn ni sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn gwneud cynnydd da tuag at yr amcanion dysgu sydd wedi’u hamlinellu yn Fframwaith Gyrfaoedd a Byd Gwaith (2008) Llywodraeth Cymru? Sut gallwn ni wneud y defnydd gorau o ddata ar gyrchfannau i arfarnu pa mor dda y mae’r coleg wedi paratoi dysgwyr ar gyfer y cam nesaf pan fyddant yn gadael y coleg? Since most colleges are now developing information sharing protocols with local authorities, how will we use this to improve learners’ transition from school to college? A few learners change courses during the first few weeks of term. How can we reduce this number so that these learners do not disrupt their education? How can we ensure that learners are making good progress towards the learning objectives set out in the Welsh Government’s Careers and the World of Work Framework (2008)? How can we best use destination data to evaluate how well the college has prepared learners for their next step when they leave college?
5 questions for providers 5 cwestiwn i ddarparwyr 5 questions for providers Mae ychydig golegau yn datblygu systemau i fesur cynnydd dysgwyr yn ystod cyrsiau galwedigaethol, ond nid yw dulliau yn gyson nac wedi’u gwreiddio ar draws Cymru i sicrhau bod ffyrdd cyffredin o fesur yr agwedd hon ar gynnydd dysgwyr. Sut gallwn ni oresgyn y diffyg cysondeb hwn? A few colleges are developing systems to measure the progress that learners make during vocational courses, but approaches are not consistent or embedded across Wales to ensure that there are common ways of measuring this aspect of learners’ progress. How can we overcome this lack of consistency?
Cwestiynau... Questions…