Do Now #2/1: Reflection and Goal Setting


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now #2/1: Reflection and Goal Setting You are now entering the last quarter of your first year of high school. This first year is so critical when it comes to setting yourself up for success for the rest of your high school career. If you procrastinated too much, let your grades slip, and focused too much on a social life and/or video games, it will be HARD to recover. However, if you did what you were supposed to do, put forth your best effort, and made decent or even great grades, you have set yourself up for success. How do you feel you have done this year? Do you feel like you made a good start in high school, or that you’ll be playing catch up for the next three years? Do you feel like you have matured or grown this year? What are your goals going into 4th quarter? How will you end your freshman year with a bang? TEN SENTENCES!!!!

Welcome to Quarter 4!!! You’re almost DONE!!! YAY!!!!

Take GOOD NOTES! I want to see EVERY WORD!!! I am TIRED of LAZINESS!!! Quarter 4 Expectations Take GOOD NOTES! I want to see EVERY WORD!!! I am TIRED of LAZINESS!!!

Plagiarism- What is it? Plagiarism is Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions such as penalties, suspension, and even expulsion from school or work. Recently, cases of "extreme plagiarism" have been identified in academia. Students have been expelled and have had their degrees taken away.

What does that mean for YOU??? Plagiarism includes: Copying information from an online source Copying information from a book, magazine, or any other form of media Copying information from another student’s notes, binder, or any other work What are the THREE consequences? Zero for the assignment (for BOTH students!) Referral Parent contact

The Bottom Line... DO YOUR OWN WORK!!! DO NOT LET ANYONE BORROW YOUR BINDER FOR ANY REASON!!! If you have the same vocabulary sentences, answers to comprehension questions, answers to Do Now prompts, etc. BOTH STUDENTS WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF CHEATING!!!! If you KNOW someone is copying your answers, YOU are JUST AS GUILTY!!! EVERYTHING is online! If you’re absent, look there! NO ONE needs to see your binder for ANY REASON!!! IT’S NOT WORTH IT!!!

Do Nows DO THEM, AND DO THEM RIGHT!!!! THEY ARE NOT HARD!!!! Write FIVE sentences, and get 10 points (Except for Reflections, which are ten)!!! Don’t do it, and get a ZERO!!!! It is STUPID not to do them! Zeros are HARD to come back from! Each day we have a Do Now, CHECK IT! Did you label and date it? Did you write five sentences? Then you’re on your way to an A!

Achieves HAS THIS NOT GOTTEN THROUGH YOUR HEAD YET???? DOING or NOT DOING your Achieves can make a HUGE difference in YOUR GRADE!!!! Again, ZEROS are hard to come back from! I’m TIRED of the same old excuses! It’s QUARTER 4!!!! Many of you have been doing this since 6th grade!!! GET THEM DONE!!! This is 15% of your grade!!! THERE ARE NO MAKEUPS, ESPECIALLY IN QUARTER 4!!!!

Literature Circles Every Friday (1st period) or last day of class (2nd period) will be Literature Circle Day. YOU MUST BRING YOUR BOOK!!!! If you don’t have it you WILL lose TEN POINTS!!! If you don’t finish the assigned reading in class, along with the weekly assignment then it is YOUR responsibility to get it done at home. Literature Circle Assignments will be due on MONDAY (1st period) OR the first day of class each week, IF they are not turned in on Lit Circle Day. I really hope this will be a fun experience for all of you, and that you’ll be able to learn from each other as you share a memorable story.

Literature Circles Just like with Reading Logs, you will sign a contract for your Literature Circle book that is a TEST GRADE. If you fail to complete your reading and/or your weekly assignment, your test grade goes down by TEN POINTS. IF your group is not working well together because members are not getting along or not doing the work and just sitting around talking, your group will be disbanded and ALL your members will return to completing weekly Reading Logs. Instead of a group project at the end of the quarter, you’ll have to do a project alone. The project will be somewhat similar to the Reading Log project at the beginning of the year. More details to come later on.

Quarter 4 Expectations Quiz What is plagiarism, according to Wikipedia? What are the THREE consequences for plagiarism in this class? (3 points!) Who will get in trouble when plagiarism has occurred? If you’re absent, where can you look to get the work you missed? How many sentences do you have to write for ALL Do Nows (except Start of Quarter Reflections)? What percent of your grade are Achieves? Are makeups allowed for Achieves? When are Lit Circle Assignments due? How many points will you lose if you don’t have your book on a Lit Circle Day? What will happen if your Lit Circle members are not working well together? (Answer COMPLETELY or it’s WRONG!) 13 points, 2 points for name, date, period, title. 15 total.