Science & Technology SMT 310 Prerequisite: Completion of lower division General Education. An assessment of the interrelationships of Science and Technology. Study of the development of technological advances and the scientific principles behind them. Climatologia Geográfica
SMT 310 Based on James Burke’s 1975 book “Connections” and videos from the TV series. Lectures outlines are PowerPoint presentations on Blackboard Lectures, documents, assignments and grades all on Blackboard (Bb).
James Burke’s “Connections” Any edition works just fine. Available for sale or rent in the Book Store.
James Burke’s Connections Each chapter devoted to one major technology development. Atomic Energy, Telecommunications, Computers, Assembly Line, Air Transportation, Plastics, Liquid Fuel Rockets and Television. Chapters based on unrelated themes which are brought together to make new technology.
Connections Videos Each chapter in Connections has a video presentation available on Blackboard.
Syllabus Blackboard ( Get it in Syllabus and Outline in Blackboard Read it! Quiz #1, on Bb is based on the Syllabus and is available to take now. You must have all quizzes completed by 11:59pm day before exam.
Outline On Blackboard in Syllabus and Outline Print it out It tells you reading assignments, lecture and exam dates.
NXT “Clicker” Log into Blackboard Select this course Select Tools Select TurningPoint Registration Tool. Enter device ID 6 digit alphanumeric 0 is number zero only Re-enter and submit
Rent your NXT Card Rent at bookstore and return to book store for credit after final exam. Make certain batteries are good before you accept or use it. They use two AAA batteries.
Downloading Lectures On Bb, Click on lecture you wish to download then Click on Download to save it to your hard-disc. DO NOT print the lecture out in this format. Instead, select Print inside PowerPoint to change to three slides per page and Grayscale.
Prepare for lecture Brief each chapter before lecture. Bring b/w PowerPoint lecture to class Write lecture notes onto PowerPoint slides Keep a notebook. Read assignments in “Readings” and handouts. Study a little each day is much better than “cramming” the night before an exam.
Blackboard Quizzes Select Quizzes on Blackboard Must be completed online day before exam. Must complete each question before progressing to the next. Based on lecture, video and reading materials. Worth 2 points each, 8.4% of course grade.
Your Grade Based on exams, quizzes and attendance. Two of three midterms plus final exam. 14 quizzes completed online on Blackboard Attendance/participation via your NXT responses. No make-ups for missed tests or assignments. There is no extra credit. Course grade is based on your best two midterm exams, quizzes, participation and final exam.
Preparing for Exams Complete quizzes before due date. Due by 11:59 PM day before exam date. Complete all reading assignments Review all lecture notes and videos. Go to Exam Preparation page on Blackboard Research and answer all trial exam questions posted on website.
Exams Four exams based on all material covered since previous exam. Bring your NXT response card!!! No make-ups for missed exams. There is no extra credit. Exam #4 must count toward your final course grade.