Instructional Support Team ESL, GT, Dyslexia, Academic Reading Support, Academic Math Support
Students qualify to receive instructional support based on criteria specific to each program. When a special event or program occurs during the regular pull-out time, students are returned to the classrooms to take part in that activity.
Gifted and Talented (Challenge)— Ann Treat Students identified as gifted based on general intellectual ability spend one day per week in the Challenge classroom. The curriculum extends and enriches the regular academic curriculum through a series of thematic units which focus on advanced high-interest content. Use of technology and advanced research projects are hallmarks of this program.
English as a Second Language (ESL)— Jane Oberhauser – ESL teacher Kela Sumrall – ESL teacher Josefina Wells – ESL paraprofessional We serve our ESL students in a variety of settings, depending on their English acquisition and academic needs. We will pull-out our beginners and intermediate students during ELT (Extended Learning Time) and we also push-in to homerooms or content classes to provide support. Stronger ESL students may have accommodations provided only by the classroom teacher. We work closely with the teachers to assess the changing needs of the students.
Gifted and Talented (Challenge) Students in the GT program attend specials with their regular classes. Lunch time is 11:29-11:59. Monday-1st grade Tuesday-3rd grade Wednesday-5th grade Thursday-4th grade Friday-2nd grade
Dyslexia Kristi Floyd: kristilfloyd@katyisd Dyslexia Kristi Floyd: Ruth Rios: Students who have been identified as dyslexic are provided specialized instruction to help with phonemic awareness, decoding, reading fluency, spelling and comprehension. Students in the dyslexia program are served through a pull-out program during Extended Learning time. Please see the attached power Point for additional information.
Academic Support – Reading Mary Sarver ( maryesarver@katyisd Academic Support – Reading Mary Sarver ( Instructional interventions in reading are provided through the Response to Intervention (RTI) System. The purpose of RTI is to ensure that each student will benefit from instruction at the appropriate level of intensity to promote academic success. The RTI Collaborative team of each campus monitors student progress and recommends instructional interventions for students as needed. Students will receive supplemental, small group reading instruction during the regular school day. This instruction is in addition to the student’s general education program.
Academic Math Support—Dawn Bryan Instructional interventions in math are provided through the KATY ISD Response to Intervention (RTI) system. The purpose of RTI is to ensure that each student will benefit from instruction at the appropriate level of intensity to promote academic success. The RTI Collaborative team of each campus monitors student progress and recommends instructional interventions for students as needed. Students will receive supplemental, small group instruction during the regular school day . This instruction is in addition to the student’s general educational program.