Identification & Allocation of Resources HSC – 489 Budgets Identification & Allocation of Resources HSC – 489
Resources all the people and things needed to carry out the desired program (to plan, implement, and evaluate)
Personnel Internal Resources: within the planning agency or the target population (peer ed) External Resources: outside, vendors, consultants, experts (speakers bureau) Either of the two or a combination of both Individuals who carry out the program Usually each individual serves various roles
Personnel should be: Culturally sensitive: basic appreciation and understanding of the importance of sociocultural factors Culturally competence: the process for effectively working within the cultural context of an individual or community from a diverse cultural or ethnic background
Curriculum/Instructional Resources Develop materials in-house or someone develop them for you Purchase/obtain materials from outside sources Purchase/obtain canned programs Or use a combination of 2 or all a) Can be done in house or by someone else
Space for program Donated or inexpensive Cosponsor contributes space Community service rooms
Equipment & Supplies Varies by program First aid: CPR mannequins, bandages, video equipment Photocopies, colored paper, pencils Brochures
Financial Resources - Income Participant fees Third-party support Cost sharing Organizational sponsorship Grants and gifts Grants: foundations, corporations, voluntary agencies, government