Composition Refining for your Final Piece On a new page just after your final piece ideas, Write the Title ‘Final Piece composition experiments’ You will layout your work so you can fit two drawings on one page.
Plan for final piece Ground Materials needed Equipment needed Order of working Anything from home? What do it need to do now to prep?
Final Piece Composition refining I am looking for: An imaginative choice that is based on either one or both of your previous final piece ideas. Refining of the composition to make it an interesting and dynamic layout: Focal Point size. Rule of Thirds to arrange focal point(s). Use of diagonals to lead the viewer in. Based on the Final piece ideas at least complete 2 pencil tone drawings on one page that refine the layout of the image you have chosen for your final piece. Comments with the images explaining how you have chosen to layout the image with good composition. A good quality pencil tone drawing with definition and attention to detail Better Grade =
Rule of Thirds to arrange focal point(s) Focal Point size Rule of Thirds to arrange focal point(s) Use of diagonals to lead the viewer in. What is important to consider about these composition rules? Use these images to help you tell us
Refining the composition of your final piece Use the viewfinders to create new windows of different shapes and sizes across your chosen final piece idea. Play around with the size and position of your focal point in the frame, always using the composition rules as a guide for what will work. Now draw your chosen view on roughly half your composition page in your sketch book. I am looking for: An imaginative choice that is based on either one or both of your previous final piece ideas. Refining of the composition to make it an interesting and dynamic layout: Focal Point size. Triangulation/ Rule of Thirds to arrange focal point(s). Use of diagonals to lead the viewer in.
Task for Lesson 2: Consider another composition idea for your final piece. Based on the same idea. You now need to reflect on your first composition idea and comment on these 2 points: In relation to the rules of good composition, why did you choose this layout? How would you maybe improve or change it into another possible layout for your final piece? In order to show development through reviewing, you now need to draw out a second final piece idea based on the same image you chose. I am looking for: An imaginative layout choice. Refining of the composition; Focal Point size. Rule of Thirds to arrange focal point(s). Use of diagonals to lead the viewer in.