Summary of Session 3 (Measuring and Reducing the Standardization Gap) ITU-T FORUM ON IMPLEMENTATION OF WTSA-08 DECISIONS AND WORKSHOP ON BRIDGING THE STANDARDIZATION GAP (Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009) Summary of Session 3 (Measuring and Reducing the Standardization Gap) Byoung-Moon Chin, Moderator of Session 3, TTA Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
I. Introduction o Session 3 was held on 16 September 2009 o Objectives to provide expert, concrete advice to developing countries on how to improve their standards readiness, participate more effectively in standards work at ITU and make the best use of standard o Topics : BSG and ITU-EC project o Speakers - Arthur Levin (Head, Std. policy division, TSB/ITU) - Dr. Shin-Won Kang (Prof. Sunchon University) - Dr. Laura DeNardis (ED, Yale University) - Ms Fuatai Purcell (Project coordinator for the Pacific) Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
II. Summary of Presentation(1) Entering proposals at WTSA on future study questions and work programmes II. Summary of Presentation(1) o Strategies to Bridge the Standardization Gap (Mr. Arthur Levin, ITU-TSB) Introduction to the activities of ITU-T in terms of bridging Standardization gap Definition of Standardization Gap “Standardization Development Ladder” Other activities : TechWatch reports; Technical Flyers; Increasing participation and collaboration; remote collaboration and participation - online tools; Regional Groups; etc. Nominating representatives as study group chairs, vice - chairs. rapporteurs , focus group chairs etc Giving contributions at Study Groups and related meetings Attracting ITU meetings and/or regional groups (Res 54) Going to Study Groups and related meetings ITU Sector and Associate Membership National training and capacity - building in use of ITU Recommendations Growing usage of ITU Recommendations Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
II. Summary of Presentation(2) o Measuring Standardization Capability of Developing Countries (Prof. Shin-Won Kang, Sunchon Nat’l University) Identifying 5 key variables influencing Standardization Gap : Standard development capacity ; Human resources ; Policy ; STD use and adoption ; Int. activities ; ICT infra. Standardization Capacity Measurement Model for SCI (Standardization Capacity Index), 6 SCCI (Standardization Capacity Component Indixes), 45 SCMI (Standardization Capacity Measurement Indicator) Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
II. Summary of Presentation(3) o Measuring and Reducing Standardization Gap (Dr. Laura DeNardis, Yale Law School) - Result of Case study for National Standardization Capacity for 5 countries (Mongolia, China, Thailand, Lebanon, Mali) - 7 primary Standardization Gaps in developing countries - National Standard Capability Scale : Level 1 : Minimum Std. Capability Level 2 : + Adopt Std. in Products and services Level 3 : + Regional and Int. participation Level 4 : + National Std. Strategy - 7 Best Practices for National Standardization Capacity Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
II. Summary of Presentation(4) o ITU-EC Project: Support for the establishment of Harmonized Policies for the ICT Market in the ACP countries. (Ms. Fuatai Purcell) - Introduced 3 sub-projects and focused on the project on Pacific Region which is ‘Capacity Building and ICT Policy, Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks Support for Pacific Island States’ - 15 Pacific countries are involving and they will have kick-off meeting in Nov. Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009
III. Conclusion o Shared the view for the importance of National Standards Capability Scale, but needs more clarification for following comments; Harmonization in Int’l Standardization Importance of Government Influence Adoption of Standard should be prioritized Use of ICT for social/economy Development o Encouraging developing countries to respond the questionnaire which TSB had circulated Nadi, Fiji, 16-17 September 2009