Fluency #14 30 words
It was March. There was snow on the ground It was March. There was snow on the ground. Bob said, “I’m sick of the snow.” “Me too!” said Sally. I want it to be summer.” “Me too,” said Bob. 1
“But there’s snow outside,” said Molly. “Bikes are for the summer.” “It was March. There was snow outside. “Let’s ride our bikes,” said Bob. “But there’s snow outside,” said Molly. “Bikes are for the summer.” “I’m sick of snow,” Said Bob. 2
Bob and Molly got their bikes out. It was March Bob and Molly got their bikes out. It was March. There was snow on the ground. “Let’s go,” said Bob. They started to ride down the sidewalk. It was cold. 3
Molly said, “Oh no. ” “What is it. ” asked Bob. “It’s cold out here Molly said, “Oh no!” “What is it?” asked Bob. “It’s cold out here. I forgot to put on my coat,” said Molly. “Me too,” said Bob. This is not good.” 4
Bob and Molly were riding their bikes. It was March Bob and Molly were riding their bikes. It was March. There was snow on the ground. They forgot to put on their coats. “Let’s go get our coats,” said Molly. 5
Bob and Molly were riding bikes in March. “Watch out,” said Molly Bob and Molly were riding bikes in March. “Watch out,” said Molly. “What is it?” asked Bob. “Why did you tell me to watch out?” “Look in front of you.” 6
There was snow on the ground. Bob and Molly were riding their bikes There was snow on the ground. Bob and Molly were riding their bikes. Bob was not looking where he was going. He ran into a snowbank. “Oh dear,” he said. 7
Bob hit the snowbank with his bike. “Oh dear,” he said Bob hit the snowbank with his bike. “Oh dear,” he said. I’ve hit the snowbank with my bike.” He flew through the air. “What should I do Molly?” he said. 8
Bob was flying through the air. “Help,” he said Bob was flying through the air. “Help,” he said. “I’m flying through the air.” “Close your eyes,” yelled Molly. “What?” he asked. “Cloze your eyes,” said Molly. “Why?” he asked. 9
Bob flew through the air. “Help,” he yelled Bob flew through the air. “Help,” he yelled. Molly said, “close your eyes.” Bob asked, “Why do you want me to close my eyes?” “There’s a big tree,” said Molly 10