Expression of FOZI-1 in different M lineage mutants.


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Expression of FOZI-1 in different M lineage mutants. Expression of FOZI-1 in different M lineage mutants. (A-C)A fozi-1(cc609); ayIs6(hlh-8::gfp) mutant animal at the 8-M stage stained with anti-HLH-1 antibody (red in A,B) and DAPI (C). White arrows represent M lineage as marked by hlh-8::gfp. Embryonically derived BWMs are denoted by open arrowheads. (D-F) Anti-FOZI-1 staining in hlh-1(cc561ts) (D), mab-5(e1239) (E) and mls-2(cc615) (F) animals. FOZI-1 is present in the M lineage of all three mutants. Arrowhead denotes a cell from the ventral nerve cord (F). (G) A ceh-20(n2513) animal stained with anti-FOZI-1 antibody. FOZI-1 is detected in the head neurons (arrow) and the ventral nerve cord (arrowheads), but not in the M lineage (red box). Nirav M. Amin et al. Development 2007;134:19-29 © 2007.