Prince Rupert Park Site Background, Options and Path Forward AGM, June 2/2019
Background PRCL received City Council approval in 2012 to exchange current lease area on Airways Park for school land site. PRCL has in excess of $700K for development of former school site. Potential to leverage funds with multiple 50/50 matching grants.
Continued … Prior to 2018, PRCL completed multiple community surveys/questionnaires to determine what they do/do not want. April/2018: Planning Comm. formed to develop plan for site and lead PR community engagement/consultation. June/2018: Initial presentation to community via AGM.
We’ve been busy: Summer/2018: PRCL contracted EDA to prepare preliminary park development concept drawings to “spark” community discussion. Jan./2019: EDA submitted 2 concept drawings for school site lands. Mar. 10/2019: Open house at QMP – community invited to discuss concept drawings with Plan. Comm. members (preceded by newsletter delivery). Mar. 10 – 22/2019: Community invited to respond to survey.
And… Jan./2019 – Present: “Space” subgroup investigates space sharing options with area facility owners (Clansmen Rugby Assoc., QMP, Airport Museum, Church, Lions Centre, Sentinel Storage). April/2019 – Present: Plan. Comm. compiles report on survey comments. May 22/2019: Board authorizes Plan. Comm. to discuss potential partnership agreement with the Lions Centre (program, meetings & events, filing/storage) .
Next Steps Summer/2019: Plan. Comm. to submit report and recommendations to new Board on potential development (“The Project”). Board approves key features of “The Project” (playground, green space, outdoor recreation amenities, building, rink, etc..) and; sequencing (all at once? Series of smaller projects?). Develop more detailed plans to bring back to PRCL and PR community.
And!… Investigate financing (development costs, how much do we have $, potential grants). Continue to engage City approval process (what can we do, legally?). Continue community engagement (who do we tell, when, where, how?).