Results of the AEG e-Discussion on Concept of Persons in 1993 SNA Rev UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics Branch National Accounts Section
Concept of Persons Employed in the 1993 SNA Current SNA seems to reject the concept of employed person from National Account. Many countries compile national accounts data that use the concept of employment and persons rather than jobs Proposed to be more open to the concept of persons and employment in the 1993 SNA Rev 1. by including a description of the concepts of employed persons and unemployed persons. Relevant text from ESA 95 to be used.
Concept of Persons Employed in the 1993 SNA No Question Total Agree Disagree No opinion 1 Do you support the introduction of the concept of persons employed in the new SNA? 23 22 - 2 Do you support that the new SNA inspires itself from the existing paragraphs of the ESA 95 defining employment, self-employment, and unemployment? 19 4
Concept of Persons Employed in the 1993 SNA Conclusions of the e-discussion: The AEG members participating in the e-discussion overwhelmingly supported the proposal for introduction of the concept of persons employed in the revised SNA
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