The First 65 Years of Church History Matthew--Revelation Foretold and Established Growth and Strengthening Warnings and Problems
First 65 Years of Church History Foretold and Established The Kingdom was Prophesied— Daniel 2:44; Matthew 3:1,2; Mark 9:1 Jesus promised to build His church (kingdom)— Matthew 16:18,19 Established in Acts 2— Acts 1:8;2:1-47
First 65 Years of Church History Growth and Strengthening Gospel was preached throughout the world— Matthew 28:19,20; Acts 3-28; Colossians 1:5,23 Church organized and strengthened— Acts 14:21-23; 18:23 Epistles written— Romans—Revelation
First 65 Years of Church History Warnings and Problems Departures from the Faith Were Predicted— Acts 20:28-31 “draw away disciples” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 “Falling away” 1 Timothy 4:1-3 “depart from the faith” 2 Timothy 4:1-4 “turn away their ears from the truth and be turned to fables”
First 65 Years of Church History Warnings and Problems Problems dealt with by Paul— Corinth – “divisions, carnality, immorality, eating meats offered to idols, abusing Lord’s Supper, misuse of spiritual gifts, denied resurrection” Galatia -“turning away from gospel, Judaizing teachers” Colossae “Philosophies of men, legalism”
First 65 Years of Church History Warnings and Problems John saw many changes during his lifetime— 1 John written to expose the errors of Gnosticism – 2 John 7 warns of many deceivers having gone out into the world - 3 John 9 warned of Diotrephes who abused his authority in the church.
First 65 Years of Church History Warnings and Problems John saw many changes during his lifetime— Ephesus left first love– Revelation 2:4 Pergamos tolerated error- Revelation 2:14,15 Thyatira allowed false teaching—Revelation 2:20 Sardis was dead—Revelation 3:1 Laodicea was lukewarm— Revelation 3:15,16
First 65 Years of Church History Solution to All Problems Return to the Original Pattern— Back to Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; 1 John 1:1-2; Colossians 2:9 Back to His Apostles – Galatians 1:6-9; 1 John 1:3,4; 4:1,6 Back to the Old Commands – I John 2:7; 5:3; cf Jeremiah 6:16
First 65 Years of Church History Solution to All Problems This the Restoration Concept— Revelation 2:5
First 65 Years of Church History Why God Back to the Beginning? The only church with the stamp of divine approval The only form of “Christianity” that is defensible The Beginning period was the most successful period in the history of the church
The Rise of Denominationalism Lutheran 1530 England 1534 Church of Episcopal 1609 1739 Methodist Holiness 1608 Congregational Presbyterian 1536 United Brethren 1609 1611 Baptists 1521 Anabaptists 1537 Dissenters Catholicism England 1534 Church of Episcopal 1609 1739 Methodist Holiness 1608 Congregational Presbyterian 1536 United Brethren 1609 1611 Baptists 1521 Anabaptists 1537 Dissenters
Restoration Period