How Information Is Arranged NONFICTION Text Structure How Information Is Arranged NONFICTION
Non-Fiction Text Structures Description Gives details about something, someone, or someplace Sequence Presents the step-by-step events in a process Problem/Solution Identifies a problem and possible solutions Cause/Effect Explains how something occurred as a result of something else Compare/Contrast Explains how things are similar or different Chronological Arranges events over a period of time
Non-Fiction Text Structure Description Signal Words For example For Instance Characteristics include Specifically In addition to
Non-Fiction Text Structure February Two Conference winners Description Most Watched Sporting Event Gives details about something, someone, or someplace The Super Bowl The Super Bowl People throw parties Broadcast in 34 languages Huge Advertising money
Non-Fiction Text Structure 5 Sequence Signal Words Before, To start, In the beginning, First, During, After, Finally Then, Last, Later In the middle, In the end 4 3 2 1
Non-Fiction Text Structure Eat 5 Sequence Join both pieces of bread 4 Presents the step-by-step events in a process Making A Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich Spread Peanut Butter on Slice Two 3 Spread jelly on Slice One 2 Get Bread 1
Non-Fiction Text Structure Problem/Solution Signal Words Problem, Issue, Cause, As a result, Because of, Leads to Due to, Solve, So, Consequently, Since OR
Neighbor’s dog continues to bark Non-Fiction Text Structure Problem/Solution Neighbor’s dog continues to bark Spray with hose Identifies a problem and possible solutions Barking Dog Problem OR Problem / Solution 1. What is the problem? Why is this a problem? What can be done to solve it?
Non-Fiction Text Structure Effect Cause and Effect CAUSE Effect Signal Words Since, Because, If, Due to, As a result of, So, Then, Leads to, Consequently, Cause, Reason, Long-term, Effect Cause EFFECT Cause Cause
Non-Fiction Text Structure Fights Cause and Effect Prejudice Hurt Feelings Explains how something occurred as a result of something else Wars Courtesy Equality Respect Humility
Non-Fiction Text Structure Compare/Contrast Signal Words Similar, Alike, Same, Just like In Common, Both, Different, Unlike, In Contrast, On the other hand
Non-Fiction Text Structure Compare/Contrast Ponyboy Curtis Hannah Stern Male Teenagers No Parents Neighborhood Danger f Females Full Family Dynamic Camp Danger Overcome Obstacles Internal Conflict Explains how things are similar or different Ponyboy and Hannah
Non-Fiction Text Structure Chronological Signal Words First, Second, Initially, Preceding, Next, Then, When, After, Before, Finally On (date)
Non-Fiction Text Structure Chronological Arranges events over a period of time Semester One of English 8 February 2019 begin science fiction novel Read First Fiction – “Flowers for Algernon” September 2018 Began the year October – Began The Outsiders Then Read The Devil’s Arithmetic Exams end the semester
Text Structure Signal Questions Description 1. What topic is being explained? 2. How is it being described? What is 3. important to remember about it? Sequence 1. What steps are listed? 2. Do they always happen in this order? 3. What is the final result? Problem / Solution 1. What is the problem? Why is this a problem? What can be done to solve it? Cause and Effect 1. What happened? 2. Why did it happen? 3. What caused it to happen? Compare / Contrast 1. What things are being compared? In what ways are they alike? In what ways are they different? Chronology 1. What is the subject being discussed? 2. What events took place? 3. In what order did the events happen?
Non-Fiction Text Structure Does this make sense? Let’s See!