Hipk induces overgrowths in Drosophila imaginal discs. Hipk induces overgrowths in Drosophila imaginal discs. Control eye-antennal (A), wing (B) and leg (C) imaginal discs stained for actin to reveal tissue morphology and GFP to reveal the dpp-Gal4 expression domain. Expression of two copies of wild-type HA-hipk (HA-hipk3M and HA-hipk1M) within the dpp domain leads to overgrown eye-antennal (D), wing (E) and leg (F) imaginal discs. (G) A control wing disc pouch stained for Casp3. (H) Casp3 is autonomously induced in dpp>HA-hipk3M+GFP wing discs. (I) A control wing imaginal disc showing the dpp-GAL4 expression domain marked by GFP. (J) dpp>HA-hipk3M+GFP leads to overgrown wing discs. (K) Loss of cell death in dpp>HA-hipk3M+GFP+P35 discs worsens hipk-induced overgrowths, whereas (L) dpp>GFP+P35 appears normal. Scale bars: 50 μm. Jessica A. Blaquiere et al. Dis. Model. Mech. 2018;11:dmm031146 © 2018. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd