Hot Words #4
1. Autonomy (n.) Independence; self-government Since the judge was an authoritarian, the lawyers could not look for any autonomy in her court.
2. Aversion (n.) Strong or fixed dislike; antipathy. Uncle Andre’s aversion to arduous work is well known.
3. Belittle (v.) To make something seem less important. My feelings were hurt when the neighbors tried to belittle my abundant crop of tomatoes and squash.
4. Bequeath (v.) To leave money or property by a will; to pass along. The austere, old tightwad would not bequeath even one penny to charity.
5. Bizarre (adj.) Strikingly odd in appearance or style; grotesque. I thought it rather bizarre for Mrs. Greene to bequeath her entire fortune to her cats.
6. Blithe (adj.) Happy and cheerful; gay. “Hail to thee, blithe spirit,” said the poet to the skylark.
7. Bombastic (adj.) High-sounding; marked by use of language without much real meaning. Ferris didn’t get the part because the director had an aversion to his bombastic style.
8. Buffoon (n.) A clown; someone who amuses with tricks and jokes. Keller was content to act the buffoon, but in reality he was a brilliant undercover agent.
9. Cache (n.) Hiding place; something hidden in a hiding place. Police searched in vain for the cache of jewels which the thieves had skillfully concealed.
10. Cacophony (n.) Discord; harsh sound The junior high band was born in cacophony, but their swift improvement was noted by all.