Millbrook Behaviour Summary Restorative Questions


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Presentation transcript:

Millbrook Behaviour Summary Restorative Questions Caring, respectful relationships are at the core of our behavior culture and we aim to help pupils learn to take responsibility for their own actions. This involves both celebration of things they do well and consequences for poor choices Adult Consistencies Adult non-negotiables Meet and Greet Build Relationships Relentless routines Match provision to need Have restorative conversations Reward the behaviours we want to see Visible Adult Behaviours Be calm and patient Be a role model Be consistent Use clear language See and act   High expectations Be Kind Kind words, hands and feet Be polite One voice Follow Instructions First time, every time Stop, look, listen countdown Be safe Work Hard Stay on task Try your best Allow others to work Recognition Systems Praise board Stickers Whole class rewards See parents/phone call home Instant praise postcards Handwritten postcard sent home. Recognition in special assembly VIP in assembly Hot chocolate with the head Star of the Term   Non-negotiables Respect the school environment No rough physical play No bad language Never leave the classroom without permission Instant lunchtime sanction with SLT (min 30mins) for repair/reflection. Letter home.   Stepped Sanctions A1 First Warning Linked to high expectations A2 Second Warning Positive intervention e.g. change seat A3 Teacher Sanction Miss minutes from break/lunch or short time in partner class A4 Duty Call Reset expectations. Return to class A5 Duty Action Work outside of class supervised by duty. Miss part of next break/lunch for restorative conversation with teacher. Scripted Conversations Open well: “I’ve noticed you’re finding it hard to start this morning. How can I help?” Be specific: “You know that you have to be kind/work hard/follow instructions. You need to…” Give sanction: “Unfortunately you have chosen to not follow the rule…. As a result you will…” Refer to moments of success: “Do you remember when you were… that’s the behaviour I need to see” Restorative Questions What has happened? (Where and who?) What did I do wrong? (Which values did I not show?)  What effect did this have on others? What could I have done differently? (Which values could I have shown?) What could I do now to make matters right? (Which values will I use?) What will I do differently in the future? (Which values do I need to focus on?)

High Expectations Be Kind Follow Instructions Work Hard Millbrook School High Expectations Be Kind Kind words, hands and feet Be polite One voice Follow Instructions First time, every time Stop, look, listen countdown Be safe Work Hard Stay on task Try your best Allow others to work

High Expectations Be Kind Follow Instructions Work Hard Millbrook School High Expectations Be Kind Kind words, hands and feet Be polite One voice Follow Instructions First time, every time Stop, look, listen countdown Be safe Work Hard Stay on task Try your best Allow others to work

Rewards Millbrook School Praise board Stickers Whole class reward system See parents/phone call home Instant praise postcards Handwritten postcard sent home. Recognition in special assembly VIP in assembly Hot chocolate with the head Star of the Term

Rewards Millbrook School Praise board Stickers Whole class reward system See parents/phone call home Instant praise postcards Handwritten postcard sent home. Recognition in special assembly VIP in assembly Hot chocolate with the head Star of the Term

First Warning Second Warning Teacher Sanction Duty Call Duty Action Millbrook School Stepped Sanctions First Warning Second Warning Teacher Sanction Duty Call Duty Action

Instant lunchtime sanction with SLT for repair/reflection. Millbrook School Non-negotiables Instant lunchtime sanction with SLT for repair/reflection. Letter home. Respect the school environment No rough physical play No bad language Never leave the classroom without permission

Lesson Phases Millbrook School One voice : Independent Task: Stop, look, listen countdown Empty hands. Focus on speaker Independent Task: Focus on task, Work in silence Stay in seats Silent signal for help Paired Talk: Focus on task Talk and listen with partner Whisper voice  Group/Class Activity: Help your group Move around with purpose Classroom voice