Benavides Secondary Campus Performance Objectives 2017-2018
Campus Performance Objectives Campus Improvement Plans (CIP) Each campus has developed and is implementing a CIP, as required by TEC §11.253 Each CIP includes performance objectives based on data analysis and needs assessments (including data reported in the 2016-17 TAPR) Each campus periodically measures progress toward its performance objectives Campus Performance Objectives are approved by the Board Campus Performance Objectives are posted on the district’s website in the Campus Improvement Plans
Benavides Secondary Campus Performance Objectives Objective 1: Increase the percentage of all students achieving Approaches or above on Academic Performance for the STAAR Reading 7-8, STAAR EOC ENG I & ENG II from 64% to 70%. Objective 2: Increase the percentage of English Language Learners achieving Approaches or above on Academic Performance for the STAAR Math and EOC Algebra I 72% to 75%. Objective 3: Increase the percentage of students Approaches or above on Academic Performance for the STAAR Science grade 8 and STAAR EOC Biology from 72% to 75%. Objective 4: Increase the percentage of students achieving Approaches or above on Academic Performance on the STAAR 8th Grade Social Studies and STAAR EOC U.S. History from 68% to 73%.
For more information, contact: Marco Ramirez Principal 361-256-3040 Insert the main point of contact district/campus