Naming Clouds
Cumulus These clouds look like piles of fluffy cotton. They are low in the sky. They mean fair weather. poll/cumulus.jpg August 2008
Stratus Clouds These clouds look like sheets or gray blankets covering the sky. They are very low and may bring rain or snow. Ralph F. Kresge “Stratus Cloud Deck” NOAA Central Library/NWS August 2008
Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds are curly, thin clouds high in the air. They usually mean fair weather. poll/cirrus.jpg August 2008
Cumulonimbus Clouds Cumulonimbus clouds are huge, dark storm clouds. They look like gray cotton balls. “Cumulonimbus Clouds” by Carl Wozniak
High up in the sky, Cyndy saw wispy, curly clouds. The clouds she saw were clouds. cirrus cumulonimbus cirrus stratus cumulus
Through a window, John saw giant, dark clouds. It looked like a storm would start any minute. He saw ________________ clouds. cumulonimbus stratus cumulonimbus cumulus cirrus
Cheryl looked at the white, fluffy clouds that floated in the sky Cheryl looked at the white, fluffy clouds that floated in the sky. She was looking at ________________ clouds. cumulus cumulonimbus stratus cumulus cirrus
As Jody walked to school, she looked at the blanket of gray clouds covering the sky. These were ___________________ clouds. stratus cumulus stratus cirrus cumulonimbus