Seniors in the employment market – a positive experience Ing. Jan Vaclav Slovak Chamber Of Commerce And Industry 4th International Meeting of P.E.O.P.L.E 1st March 2012
- Act No. 9/1992 of the Coll. - Act No. 121/1996 of the Coll. - Act No. 126/1998 of the Coll. - Act No. 286/2008 of the Coll.
Legal Counselling - formation, dissolution and liquidation of company assets of trading companies, - formation, change and discharge of business-contractual relations, - security of commercial obligations, - consequences of breech of contractual duties, - assessment of contracts, - debt collection,...
Arbitration court - was established and acts as a public service institution, - disputes in positive wording, - disputes in negative wording. Recommended wording of the arbitration clause of the court of arbitration of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bratislava All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract, including the disputes …
Customs counseling - customs tariffs levied on goods, - customs clearance procedures for import and export consignments, - preferential cut-down of customs tariffs within the free trade zone, - proof of origin of goods, - determination of origin of goods, - import and export licenses,...
Certification services Issue and authentication of certificates needed in the international trade: - SCCI certificate of origin of goods, - authentication of commercial invoices, - Vis major, - authentication of other commercial documents.
Issue of ATA Carnets ATA Carnet permits the temporary export/import of goods in the following categories: - professional equipment, - goods for international trade fairs and exhibitions, - commercial samples.
Sections of SCCI The section is a voluntary body of SCCI, which associates entrepreneurs according to professional interests. There are following sections in the Trenčín Regional Chamber: - Section of investment units suppliers, - Section of production machinery and tools, - Section of textile, clothing, leather and shoemaking industry.
Foreign trade relations - elaborating of offers and demands from abroad, - promotion of Slovak products within the worldwide network of chambers, - information on foreign partners addresses, - information gathering about territories, - organization of foreign business misions, - organization and joint participation in common expositions of SCCI at exhibitions and trade fairs, - information on trade fairs and exhibitions.
Employment structure in the SCCI Total number of employees: – 28 years : 4,6% 28 – 50 years : 78,8% above 51 years: 16,6% Membership in the SCCI Total number of members: 1162 Jubilee awards: 6 Data from Annual 2010
Prepared activities - international trade fairs and exhibitions, business missions - seminars, trainings, courses - Chamber days, Clubs - other activities Emerging activities - senior experts database - Senior enterpreneurel network (by existing young enterpreneral, women enterpreneral networks) - Follow up Transfer of expereinces from Big to SMEs
Prepared activities - international trade fairs and exhibitions Autotec Brno
Prepared activities - international trade fairs and exhibitions Hannover Messe
Prepared activities - business missions Greece mission Malaysia mission
Prepared activities - seminars, trainings, courses Professional seminarsCommunicative skills
Prepared activities - The SCCI Clubs Working activitiesSocial activities
Euro Crafts 21 - the project prepares young companies in the area of global trends. INNO AT – education in the area of international account standards. Web: PIMM2 – the project disseminates the integrated system of management in SMEs. Web: S.MA. – the project prepares managers for intergenerational passing of enterprises. Web: Your house, your company in e-urope the project is aimed at supporting and using of teleworking. Web:
Regional innovation strategy – a strategic document for preparing of starting points for innovation infrastructure in Trenčín region. Web: EMERGE – the project forms the basis for cooperation of European and Malaysian companies in the sector of machinery and plastics. Web: Learning regions – the project supports the lifelong learning based on cooperation between educational institutions and employers. Web:
Chamber Net – the project is aimed at promoting cooperation between chambers of commerce in the Slovak-Czech borderland. International Glass conference; 9th European Society Glass conference – professional conferences Web: PLATOn Slovakia; E- Platon; PLATfOrm - the multilateral promotion of enterprising realized in the framework of Flemish bilateral cooperation. Web: Ukraine in the international trade after the entry into the WTO – the project promotes the infrastructure of the international trade in Ukraine
National Aim: identification of state of the art on beginning Scope: SMEs: 500 respondents unemployed: 100 respondents Duration: June – December 2005 Results: awareness position, + needs analysis International Aim: benchmark situation Scope: employers /..ees Duration: November February 2006 Results: position +needs/barriers analysis
Eurocrafts 21 Aim: Ecology Economy Social and cul- tural issues The magic triangle of sustainability
Programe of tutoring for SMEs Rudof Lukačka Josef Ťapťúch Juraj Borovský Prievidza, Bratislava Praha, Paris Bratislava, Stará Tura 30 SMEs in Trencin Region
Trenčianska regionálna komora SOPK Jilemnického Trenčín Tel.: Fax: Web: Thank you for your attention.