NHS Future Fit July 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

NHS Future Fit July 2014

Background Survey undertaken on behalf of NHS Midlands and Lancashire CSU Objectives included: Exploring use of hospitals in the local area Perceptions of plans to improve healthcare delivery for future generations 1015 telephone interviews completed with residents living in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and East Powys All interviewing between 14th August and 1st September 2015 Data was weighted to ensure a representative sample by age, gender, ethnicity and geographic area. These weighted figures are presented here

Profiling respondents 12% did not have use of a car or van 14% of respondents lived alone, all other respondents lived with family or friends (see report for full breakdown). 31% of respondents were retired and 50% were either fully or partly employed 16% of respondents could not access the internet in anyway. Of those surveyed about their most recent healthcare experience: 33% had an appointment with a healthcare professional in a hospital, 19% had an emergency or urgent admission to hospital another 19% had a planned admission to hospital and just 11% had none. Of all hospital visits reported, 66% were within the last year, 16% were over a year but less than three years ago and 18% were over three years ago. The majority of visits to hospital were by car (80%) with 10% by ambulance). Most visits took up to 30 minutes (66%), with a further 14% taking over 30 minutes and up to two hours.

Exploring the NHS Future Fit model 1 Respondents were read a series of paired statements and were then asked to choose the statement, out of the pair, most important to them. There were six pairs of statements read to them for emergency and urgent care, and five statements read to them for both planned care and long term conditions care. On the following pages the top three statements are presented although the popularity of all of the statements can be found further into this document.

Exploring the NHS Future Fit model 2 Emergency and Urgent care The best different specialist health care professionals in one place to give you the best chance of survival and recovery: 66% Seeing the right health professional first time: 59% The ability to access minor emergency or urgent health care locally: 59% Long term conditions Care for your long term health conditions to be managed, as far as possible, at home by generalist health care professionals who have direct access to specialists if required: 58% Spending less time in hospital and quickly returning to your usual lifestyle with support: 56% A care plan tailored to your needs which will be your passport to a health care specialist when needed (avoiding the need to use ‘walk-in’ options or general public telephone services such as NHS111 or NHS Direct): 54% Planned Care Emergency services located alongside the DTC so that the full range of services is available on site if something goes wrong: 66% Providing more of your care before and after surgery close to your home, only attending the DTC for the operation itself: 64% Operations and procedures to be available seven days a week at a time that suits you: 59%

Understanding who you are

Area of residence

Q20. What is your gender? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q18. Which of the following age categories do you fit into Q18. Which of the following age categories do you fit into? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q19. What is your ethnicity? (All respondents) % White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, British 96% Irish <0.5% Gypsy / Irish Traveller 0% Mixed / Multiple Ethnic: White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Asian / Asian British: Indian 1% Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Black / African / Caribbean / Black British: African Caribbean Any other ethnic group: Arab Any other ethnic group Rather not to say Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q21. Are your day-to-day activities limited by a health problem or disability which has lasted or is expected to last over 12 months? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q22. Do you have use of a car or van? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q23. Who do you live with? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q25. In which of the following ways can you access the internet Q25. In which of the following ways can you access the internet? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q24. What is your employment status? (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q26. Would you be happy to find out more about the NHS events? Unweighted sample base = 1015

Recent experience of using hospitals

Q1. Thinking about your most recent health care experience, was it: (All respondents) Unweighted sample base = 1015

Q2. Was this an overnight stay Q2. Was this an overnight stay? (Where urgent or waiting list admission to hospital) Unweighted sample base = 388

Q3. Was this to make a decision about further care or treatment Q3. Was this to make a decision about further care or treatment? (Where appointment in hospital) Unweighted sample base = 338

Q4. Was this part of your on-going care, for example for a long term condition? (Where appointment in hospital) Unweighted sample base = 338

Q5. How long ago was this? (Where any hospital visit) Unweighted sample base = 726

Q6. Which hospital did you attend Q6. Which hospital did you attend? (Where hospital visit less than 3 years ago) Unweighted sample base = 596

Q7. How did you travel there? (Where any hospital visit) Unweighted sample base = 726

Q8 How long did it take you to get there? (Where any hospital visit) Unweighted sample base = 726

A new healthcare model for Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales

HEALTH PROBLEM/ DISABILITY Table 13: respondents were asked: "We are now going to read 6 sets of statements to you and we would like you to tell us which things are most important when thinking about using healthcare in either an emergency or urgent situation. So, which of the following statements best reflects your view:" Respondents were then read two of the following statements which were randomly chosen until they had been read all 12 statements. AGE HEALTH PROBLEM/ DISABILITY Total 16 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Yes (Any limitation) No Rather not say The best different specialist health care professionals in one place to give you the best chance of survival and recovery. 66% 73% 75% 63% 58% 57% 69% 59% Seeing the right health professional first time. 56% 77% The ability to access minor emergency or urgent health care locally. 54% 64% Different specialist health care services in one location so they can quickly bring different skills together to treat you. 51% 53% 62% 44% 49% 52% 23% A single point of access to high quality professional advice to give you accurate advice on health care first time and every time. 47% 43% 46% 50% 72% Having the right amount of care to ensure your lifestyle can continue or be improved. 48% 55% 39% Different specialist health care professionals in one place so they can learn from each other and improve their own skills and abilities. 42% 45% 40% 81% Easy access to services by bus, rail, and car. 36% 33% 41% A community health hub which brings together staff providing mental health services, access to social services, community and voluntary sector services and possibly community beds for short stays. A health care system which attracts the very best health professionals. 37% The best different specialist health care professionals in one place to improve the safety of health care. 35% 28% Services to be provided in a clean, efficient and modern building. 31% 22% 27% 29% 0% Unweighted Bases 1015 158 162 390 296 244 767 4 Weighted Bases 178 175 422 231 229 781 5

HEALTH PROBLEM/ DIABILITY Table 15: respondents were asked: "We are now going to read out 5 sets of statements to you and we want you to tell us which are most important when thinking about having long term conditions and frailty managed. So, which of the following statements best reflects your view" Respondents were then read two of the following statements which were randomly chosen until they had been read all 10 statements AGE HEALTH PROBLEM/ DIABILITY Total 16 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Yes (Any limitation) No Rather not say Care for your long term health condition to be managed, as far as possible, at home by generalist health care professionals who have direct access to specialists if required. 58% 46% 52% 60% 71% 64% 57% 59% Spending less time in hospital and quickly returning to your usual lifestyle with support. 56% 55% 47% 61% 100% A care plan tailored to your needs which will be your passport to a health care specialist when needed (avoiding the need to use 'walk-in' options or general public telephone services such as NHS 111/ NHS Direct 54% 62% 45% 53% 77% Regular local health appointments to monitor long term conditions to avoid the need for urgent medical attention. 63% 49% 41% Support to manage your long term condition but with continual support from a health professional to enable 'well periods' to last longer. 44% 28% Being treated in a joined up way by a local team which has direct access to specialists and consultants if necessary. 48% 51% An uninterrupted and seamless health service with the same staff whether your condition improves or worsens. 43% 39% 40% Quick access to a local health professional, but not necessarily your own doctor, who has access to your medical records. 42% 37% 23% Receiving more of your care in a planned way and less as an emergency. 31% 36% 0% Receiving your care from a location that feels more like a community service and less like a hospital. 34% 33% 35% Unweighted Bases 1015 158 162 390 296 244 767 4 Weighted Bases 178 175 422 231 229 781 5

HEALTH PROBLEM/ DISABILITY Table 17: respondents were asked:" We are now going to read sets of statements to you and we want you to tell us which are most important when thinking about having planned care. So is it more important to". Respondents were then read two of the following statements which were randomly chosen until they had been read all 10 statements. AGE HEALTH PROBLEM/ DISABILITY Total 16 - 24 25 - 44 45 - 64 65+ Yes (Any limitation) No Rather not say Emergency services located alongside the diagnostic and treatment centre so that the full range of services is available on site if something goes wrong. 66% 72% 70% 63% 67% 65% 69% Providing more of your care before and after surgery close to your home, only attending the diagnostic and treatment centre for the operation itself. 64% 60% 59% 68% 53% Care that is uninterrupted and where possible with the same staff. 62% 47% Operations and procedures to be available seven days a week at a time that suits you. 61% 58% 57% 56% Receiving more of your care locally with fewer referrals to specialist hospitals outside mid wales/ Shropshire/ Telford & Wrekin 52% 55% 51% 49% Access to enough information to ensure that you get the professional healthcare you need. 46% 50% 43% 45% 31% Easier direct access to treatment investigations and specialist interventions (e.g. gynaecological issues, prolapse or incontinence). 40% 44% 39% 28% The ability to find your way round the healthcare system with minimal effort. 37% 41% 34% 38% To receive your care from a location that feels more like a community service and less like a hospital 36% 30% More of your care before and after surgery to be provided over the telephone or via the internet using technology such as Skype. 14% 24% 16% 10% 13% Unweighted Bases 1015 158 162 390 296 244 767 4 Weighted Bases 178 175 422 231 229 781 5

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