Fate transformation and delayed neurogenesis in distinct diencephalic domains in the Ascl1KO mouse embryos. Fate transformation and delayed neurogenesis in distinct diencephalic domains in the Ascl1KO mouse embryos. (A-J) ISH with Gad1, Helt, Slc17a6, Ngn2 and Gata2 probes on WT and Ascl1KO diencephalon at E12.5. (K,L) Gata2 and Gata3 co-IHC on WT and Ascl1KO diencephalon at E12.5. (M-P) Sox2 and HuC/D co-IHC on WT and Ascl1KO diencephalon at E12.5 (M,N) and E13.5 (O,P). Close-up from P2-P3 region is presented in M-P. Arrows in B, F and H indicate the region where the fate transformation is most apparent; in J and L the downregulation of Gata2 and Gata3 in P1; and in N the aberrant upregulation of HuC/D in the pTh-R region. Dotted lines indicate the prosomere boundaries. Scale bars: 100 μm. Sini-Maaria Virolainen et al. Development 2012;139:3795-3805 © 2012. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd