Population: Income and Impact Total Fertility and Income Worldwide What is the relationship?
Population in the Developing and Developed World Which countries make up the majority of the world’s population? Developed or Developing?
Ecological Footprint Which countries have the largest ecological footprint? What is it? Developed or Developing?
IPAT Developed by Barry Commoner, Paul Ehrlich, and John Holdren Impact equals (population) (affluence) (technology)
What resources are most overused as population increases?
GDP Market value of goods and services produced in a country with in a year Developing countries have low GDP and Per Capita Income Gross Domestic Product - most commonly used measure of a nation’s wealth
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? Soil is present in secondary succession. The process occurs faster in secondary succession Under what conditions would primary succession be observed?
What is terrestrial succession? Series of vegetation changes over time and aquatic ecosystems diminish
What is a pioneer community?
What is the difference between intraspecific and interspecific competition? Native and Red Ants Springboks
How does competition affect the niche of a species? The realized niche is smaller than the fundamental niche
What strategy does this fish use to avoid predators?
Stable Ecosystems contain: 1. a constant energy source 2 Stable Ecosystems contain: 1. a constant energy source 2. nutrient cycling 3. population control 4. biodiversity