Sensorización ciudadana in Tarragona, Spain Active Barri Sensorización ciudadana in Tarragona, Spain Alessandra Schmidt
Innovation Design approach Active Barri Innovation As an alternative approach to the more top-down narrative of the smart city, this project seeks to empower citizens to harness the potential of the Internet of things to effect positive change; using environmental sensors to tackle urban pollution. Design approach Applying participatory design, generating data, creating awareness, following the needs of the participating community, this project builds on the ‘Making Sense’ project, and on over five years of experience with the Smart Citizen project at IAAC, which set a new standard on connecting citizen science and participatory design.
Relation to the urbanscape Scaling up prospects Active Barri Relation to the urbanscape While we focus on this community as a case study, noise pollution is a pressing issue across Europe, affecting an estimated 100 million citizens. Barri del Port concentrates >30% of Tarragona nightlife, which has resulted in a long lasting battle of the neighbourhood for its right to rest. Moreover, the city is facing complex challenges in line with global urban trends (ie. gentrification, e-commerce emergence and desertification of urban centres). Scaling up prospects Our bottom up, low-cost and scalable solution to noise pollution problem provides a clear roadmap to infrastructure communities’ skills alongside technical experts on the discussion as environmental and urban planners experts. Aiming scalability, we are now applying tools as touch point matrix for co-creation (scenarios and personas), sensing and data visualisation technologies for measuring impact for urban acupuncture.
Active Barri