Four Corners “Two Kinds”
Directions for 4 corners The teacher will read a statement, and you move to the corner that matches your opinion – Strongly Agree, Agree, Strongly Disagree, and Disagree. 1. Students -- move to the corner with the sign that most closely matches and reflects your opinions, without any discussion or verbal response. 2. After you have arrived at your corner, you have 3-5 minutes to discuss your reactions and opinions. 3. A spokesperson from each group will report your groups opinions. 4. Debate/discussion. 5. You may change your opinion now. 6. You may explain why you changed your opinion as a result of the debate.
statements My family’s ethnic heritage is ethnic hash My parents actively help me appreciate my cultural heritage I sometimes feel in conflict with my parents because we define our culture differently I’ve been in a sport or tried a hobby because my parents pressured me to I have quit something and my parents were disappointed My parents have dreams for me that I do not wish for I have failed at something because I really did not care about it People in my life want me to be/do something that really is not me
Questioning the text mark evidence of conflict As we read “Two Kinds” interact with the text by annotation and writing questions about what you have read. We will practice this together with CHUNK 1 on pages 18-19. Focus on marking evidence of conflict. This will be important as we will be writing an essay on CONFLICT in this story between mother and daughter. You will be required to support your essay with quotes and details from the story.
Discussion questions for “Two Kinds” Discussion questions for “Two Kinds” There were 8 chunks for this story For each CHUNK, you should have written at least two questions. In your groups, confer and select 8 of the best questions to discuss. Write the questions down and discuss in your group.