Write A Health Book Module 4 Record and Transcribe Your Book!
Topics 1. Getting ready to record 2. Finding a recording partner 3. How to record your book 4. Tips for a great recording 5. How to transcribe your book
By now you should have: Chapter titles Hero’s story (if you have one) Detailed notes for each chapter.
Stories! At least one story, anecdote or explanation per chapter (the more, the better!)
Get ready to record Write interview questions for each chapter. *What is (topic) about? *Please tell me more about (topic).
Find a recording partner to interview you 1. Someone from this course 2. A colleague 3. A friend 4. A family member You will only need 1-1.5 hours of their time.
How to record- on the phone! https://www.freeconferencecall.com Set up an account in minutes, record your call, and download the MP3 file
Other Recording Options Zoom- you can only record for 40 minutes at a time, unless you have the paid service - $15/month -Any recording software that gives you an MP3 file
Tips for a great recording Have a conversation (don’t read a script) Talk naturally, not professionally
Tips for the recording partner Use prompts: “That’s interesting, tell me more!”; “Can you expand on that?” (these won’t appear in the book)
Record in sessions If you find it too long to record in one session, schedule 2-3 shorter sessions. You’ll be surprised at how much you say in that time!
Transcribe with Speechpad $1/audio minute = about $60; 1 week https://www.speechpad.com/?affiliate_id=51 *disclosure- affiliate link
Instructions for Speechpad 1. Ask them not to transcribe the questions (you don’t want a Q& A format – just one speaker) 2. Remove all “ums and ahhs, false starts, repeated words”
Instructions for Speechpad Ask them to break content into smaller paragraphs of no more than 6 lines each. *( I will send you a Speechpad Instruction sheet)
Now you’re ready to record! 1. Get ready to record 2. Find a recording partner 3. Record your book 4. Tips for a great recording 5. How to get your book transcribed
Next class Monday, June 27, 3 pm PST Let’s hear your recording adventures! Let’s talk about book cover design – yeah!