Illustrating QoL Flex Term Presented by… Nick Petruzzelli Field Sales Trainer Welcome, use this walkthrough to get comfortable illustrating QoL Flex Term. "Policies Issued by American General Life Insurance Company"
Main navigation will take place via the WinFlex Shortcuts window. WinFlex Dashboard Main navigation will take place via the WinFlex Shortcuts window. Let’s start with the “Illustrations” icon. This will be the launching point to begin running illustrations. This is the first screen you will see once logged into WinFlex. This is called the Dashboard. From this screen you can navigate to any section in WinFlex via the WinFlex Shortcuts window. (WinFlex Web, WinFlex Express, Client Manager, Agent Manager, Group Manager, User Profile) This screen will also provide you with historical data on previous products illustrated. There is also a latest news area as well. Let’s start with the “Illustrations” icon. This will be the launching point to begin running illustrations.
Running Basic Illustration – QoL Flex Term The next screen that will appear will have some additional options. First as you can see on the left hand side will be a list of recent client illustrations you have run. From here you can simply click on a previous client name to advance to the illustration input section in WinFlex. (Cover icons (calculate, save, copy, remove)) If you have run an illustration previously and the client is not listed down the left hand side you can choose the load saved case icon which will allow you to view all of your previous saved cases. For the purposes of today’s training we’ll simply click start a new case. This will be the primary way you will begin to run an illustration for a new client.
Company & Product Selection Screen The next screen that will appear is the company and product selection screen. Here you can choose which company you would like to illustrate as well as select the correct product. Today we will illustrate QoL Flex Term. Once we have that selected we simply click create client to begin the illustration.
Insured Tab The first tab is the insured tab. Highlight the buttons in the upper right – “calculate, change product, help.” Next cover inputs…. Client Name Sex Date of Birth Age Class—Make sure to choose the appropriate rate classification. If you choose “special non-tobacco or tobacco” the table rating and flat extra fields will open up. Table Rating Temporary Flat Extra Permanent Flat Extra Finally, enter the correct State of Issue
Solve For Tab Next is the Solve For tab. You can see the different solve options. Most commonly, you will be using a Solve For Premium Amount or Face Amount. For this client let’s assume we know how much face amount is needed ($1,000,000) simply choose “Premium Amount” as the Solve For and input the face amount of $1,000,000. You will also notice on the right hand side throughout WinFlex are helpful tips. If you have questions about what each of the solve types mean you can find a brief description here. These items will change based off of what field you are currently in.
Solve For Tab The final selection we must input on the solve for tab is the duration of the term coverage. Once you select this drop down menu the helpful tips on the right will also change giving you the available age ranges for the different durations. For this client we will use the 30 year product.
Policy Options Next up is the policy options tab. First, we need to chose the Premium Payment Mode. For this example we will use a monthly payment option. Also, you may choose to print the ART Rates in the quote if you would like. By checking the box, you can choose a number of years to print the ART rates or you can choose for them to print for the maximum amount of time. These rates are the maximum annual renewable rates for each year after the level term period has ended if the client wishes to continue coverage.
Discounts Tab The Discounts tab is where you will enter the information for additional QoL Flex Term policies if the client is utilizing the QoL Advantage program and purchasing multiple term policies at the same time. By checking “Are you applying for multiple policies at this time?” the additional fields will open up. Here you can enter the face amounts for the additional term policies as well as the term durations. Then, you would see this additional policy information, the premium, and the savings when the quote is populated. QoL Advantage applies to policies written on the same insured, on the same application, and billed (ABC) to the same bank account. For this example we will not be using QoL Advantage, so I will uncheck the top box.
Riders Next is the riders tab. Here is where you will indicate if the client is purchasing any additional riders. You will notice the QoL Accelerated Benefit Riders for Critical, Chronic, and Terminal Illness are automatically selected. You may also add Waiver of Premium, Child Rider, or Accidental Death Benefit if you would like.
Reports Tab For QoL Flex Term the reports tab only has one option which is to select whether or not you would like to print the cover page. It is automatically checked. You may remove it if you would like.
Agent Info Tab The Agent Info Tab will automatically be populated with your agent information including name, address, and contact information. If you need to change any of the information or wish to remove any of the information you may do so here. NOTE: Agent state must be filled in to produce an illustration. All other fields are optional.
Understanding Errors Before you run the illustration it is important to check for any errors. WinFlex Web will specifically tell you whether or not there are any errors in the design of your illustration. If you see any errors on the right hand side of the screen they will need to be corrected before the illustration is ran. By clicking on the link it will open an “Errors” box that outlines the specific errors in the illustration. In this example it tells me that my total base face amount is too high I need to reduce it to a lower amount. Clicking on the “Question Label” link will take you to the correct page to fix that specific error. Or you can click fix all errors which will automatically change it the max or correct input.
Running the Illustration Once you have entered all of the inputs the way you want, the illustration is ready to be produced. Click “Calculate” in the upper right hand corner to begin this process.
Illustration Results After clicking calculate you will be taken to the illustration results screen. Here you can click the pdf icon which will bring up the illustration which you could then save, print, email, etc…. You can also click “InsMark”, if you have that system downloaded to produce different client presentations. Your Winflex Web will also have a green “eApply” button between the PDF illustration and the InsMark Icon. By clicking that button you will launch into the eApplication system to complete the electronic app. Finally, you can also click the send button in the upper right hand corner to directly email the illustration as well.
Thank you. AGLC111311REV0219 American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than 130 countries.. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional, and individual customers through one of the most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Additional information about AIG can be found at | YouTube: | Twitter: @AIG_LatestNews | LinkedIn: AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries, and coverage is subject to actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be provided by independent third parties. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.