Fig. 3 scRNA-seq detects early transcriptional events during specification of embryonic cell states. scRNA-seq detects early transcriptional events during specification of embryonic cell states. (A) Time of first appearance for each cell state in the cell-state tree as compared with documented appearance times in the Xenopus anatomy ontology (XAO). Red/blue points are detected early/late in scRNA-seq as compared with XAO. Sixty of 69 states appear as early or earlier than documented. Error bars represent time interval of scRNA-seq experiment. (B and C) scRNA-seq reveals an early endothelial/hemangioblast progenitor that appears at stage 18 (red lineage), as compared with stage 26 for hemangioblasts and stage 31 for endothelial cells [XAO (12, 13)], with recognizable activation of the endothelial/hemangioblast gene expression program (C). James A. Briggs et al. Science 2018;360:eaar5780 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works