Greening of MPSEZ, Naidupeta Implemented by Greening of MPSEZ, Naidupeta Revised Master Plan 24.07.2019
Context of site 7 km Site Boundary Human Settlements Implemented by Context of site 7 km Site Boundary Source: Landsat 2014, Google Earth Human Settlements
Salient features of site: Implemented by Salient features of site: Total area of site 1114 ha ~ 11.14 (as per drawing) Nearest Highway- ‘NH5’ , 9 km E connecting Nellore with Sulurpet Nearest Railway station - Naidupet -8 km E Nearest Airport - Rengunta Airport- 44 km SW Chennai at distance of 85 km, Nellore at distance of 65 km Rainfall Wind Predominant rainy season June to September Annual total rainfall - 1022.3 mm Number of annual rainy days -46.4 Rainfall in Nellore occurs between the months of October and December. Predominant wind direction from North East Average wind speed – 5.15 m/sec 24.07.2019
Cyclone Hazard map of State Implemented by Cyclone Hazard map of State District/ Town Site Very High Damage Risk zone – C (50m/s) Moderate Damage Risk zone – A (44m/s) Moderate Damage Risk zone – B (38m/s) Low Damage Risk zone – B (33m/s) Probable Max. Surge Height (m) S.C.S Severe Cyclonic Storm only Probable Max. Wind Speed (m/s) C.S Cyclonic Storm Crossing 1st Latitude R.F.= H Risk factor = High R.F.= L Risk factor = Low Source: 24.07.2019
Seismic Hazard map of State Implemented by Seismic Hazard map of State Source: 24.07.2019
Implemented by Contours of site 130 100 134 102 24.07.2019
Previous Master plan of site Implemented by Previous Master plan of site Allotted plot 24.07.2019
Type of industries / sectors proposed in MPSEZ Implemented by Type of industries / sectors proposed in MPSEZ Contd. 24.07.2019
Implemented by Source: Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed Multiproduct SEZ Nellore 24.07.2019
Special Economic Zone – Physical concept Implemented by Special Economic Zone – Physical concept Source: 24/07/2019
Minimum land requirement Implemented by Minimum land requirement Source: 24.07.2019
Implemented by Area distribution 24.07.2019
Road network Concept 45 M Primary Collector road 36 M Distributor road Implemented by Road network Concept 45 M Primary Collector road 36 M Distributor road Source: 24 M Access road 24.07.2019
Implemented by Circulation plan 24.07.2019
Implemented by Green network concept Provision of buffer along Processing zone boundary Creation of visual axis with Hillock as a node Lateral connections as a route to central recreation zone 24.07.2019
Implemented by Parks and open spaces 24.07.2019
Roads and greens integration Implemented by Roads and greens integration 24.07.2019
Scenic integration and art Implemented by Scenic integration and art 24.07.2019
Zoning Concept Hillock as a central facility/ recreation node Implemented by Zoning Concept Hillock as a central facility/ recreation node Centrally located Chemical industry Orange industry towards boundary Green industries towards Southern edge near Mamdikalava drain Common facility near entrance 24.07.2019
After Revision Fire station, Police Check Post Parking, Automobile service station, Weight bridge, Petrol Pump, Dormitory and other Entry/Exit point, Customs Residential Zone Zone level Parking Renewable energy and other Canteen, Public Toilets, Health Care, Sports, Services WareHouses Green Belt/ Buffer Zone CETP After Revision
Registered offices, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Implemented by As a federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. Published by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Registered offices, Bonn and Eschborn, Germany Indo- German Environment Partnership Programme 3rd Floor, B 5 / 2, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029 T +91 11 49 49 53 53 F +49 11 49 49 53 51 E I, Responsible N. Raghu Babu, Anshika Gupta Author(s) N.Raghu Babu Photo credits © GIZ Layout GIZ Corporate Design Centre, Anshika Gupta 24/07/2019