Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents Article Document Rate at present Rs. 4 Affidavit 20 5 Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement If relating to the purchase or sale of shares, scripts, stocks, bonds etc. 100 1 rupee for every 10,000 rupees
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 6 Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement relating to Deposit of Title Deeds, Pawn, Pledge or Hypothecation (If repayable not more than three months, half the duty under sub. (a) or (b), as the case may be.) Loan amount up to 10 Cr., 0.25 paisa for every hundred rupees or part thereof i.e. Maximum goes up to Rs. 2.50 lacs (b) Loan amount above 10 Cr. Subject to maximum of Rs. 8 Lacs, 0.50 paisa for every hundred rupees or part thereof
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 11 Apprenticeship Deed 100 12 Articles of Association of Company having Share Capital Subject to maximum of Rs. 5 Lacs, 0.50 paisa for every hundred rupees
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 14 Bond Loan amount up to 10 Cr., 0.25 paisa for every hundred rupees. (b) Loan amount above 10 Cr. Subject to maximum of Rs. 8 Lacs, 0.50 paisa for every hundred rupees or part thereof
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 18 Certificate or other documents 1 rupee for every 1 thousand rupees or part thereof of the value(incl. premium)of the share, scrip or stock. 20 Conveyance (a) Immovable property 3.50% plus 40% surcharge so, overall 4.90% (b) Movable property 2%
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents (c) Amalgamation / Demerger / Reconstruction order (max. Rs. 25 Cr) 1% of true market value of Immovable property 1% of value shares to be issued as a result of Amalgamation (If listed, price on Stock Exchange is taken as base otherwise face value of shares to be taken)
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 23 Custom Bond or Excise Bond Rs. 100 28 Gift Stamp duty as on conveyance as per Article-20 30 Lease Various rates starting from 1% to 3.50% depending upon the period of Lease and average annual rent payable
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 35 Memorandum of Association Rs. 100 36 Mortgage Deed (0.35%) (0.70%) (a) Loan amount up to 10 Cr., 0.25 paisa for every hundred rupees. (b) Loan amount above 10 Cr. Subject to maximum of Rs. 8 Lacs, 0.50 paisa for every hundred rupees + 40% Surcharge on both (a) and (b)
Bombay Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 44 Partnership Deed Subject to maximum 10,000 Rs., 1 rupee for every hundred rupees of partnership capital 45 Power of Attorney 100 Rs. 58 Trust
Indian Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 27 Debenture (whether a mortgage debenture or not) being marketable security transferable – 0.05% per year of the face value of the debenture, subject to maximum of 0.25% or Rs. 25 Lacs whichever is lower by endorsement or by a separate instrument of transfer by delivery Exemption: A debenture in terms of registered mortgage deed duly stamped in respect of the full amount of debentures to be issued there under, whereby the Company or body borrowing makes over, in whole or in part, their property to trustees for the benefit of the debenture holders.
Indian Stamp Act, Schedule – I Major documents 52 Proxy empowering a person to vote at the meeting of members Fifteen paise 62 Transfer of Shares in an incorporated Company or other body corporate Twenty five paise for every hundred rupees or part thereof the value of the Shares (b) of Debentures One half of the duty payable on a conveyance