The Birth of a Democratic Nation Chapter 2, Section 2
Life in the Colonies Colonists felt loyal to British because it was their parent country Colonists felt separated from Great Britain because they had operated by themselves for many years Colonists believed they could govern themselves because they had since the beginning of the colonies
British Events Mercantilism Theory that a country should sell more than it buys British used to squeeze wealth out of colonies British Parliament wanted colonists to: Sell cheap raw materials to GB Buy expensive British finished goods (made from raw materials
British Events, continued French & Indian War French & British fight for territory west of colonies Both sides ally with Indians British send troops to protect colonies Costs lots of money!
Results in Colonies Colonists are bitter toward GB
British Events Stamp Act/Quartering Act (1765) To pay for the debt from French & Indian War, GB’s Parliament passes Quartering Act: law that says colonists must house British troops Stamp Act: law that requires a stamp to be bought and placed on all newspapers & legal documents
Results in Colonies American colonists begin to boycott, or refuse to buy, goods that are taxed “Sons of Liberty” formed Underground organization opposed to GB’s taxes Used violence & intimidation to force British collecting agents to resign & stop American loyalists from buying British goods
British Events Declaratory Act (1766)/Townshend Acts(1767) After boycotts by the colonists, Parliament repeals Stamp Act Parliament passes Declaratory Act: Parliament has the right to make decisions for colonies in “all cases” Townshend Acts: taxes on basic goods such as tea, glass, paper, lead & paints
Results in Colonies Americans colonists continue to boycott goods taxed
British Events Boston Massacre (1770) Mob harasses British soldiers stationed in Boston Shots are fired British kill 3, mortally wound 2 & injure 6 colonists
Results in Colonies Colonists continue to become more angry with Great Britain
British Events Tea Act (1773) Allowed British East India Company to ship tea to colonies without paying taxes, which enabled them to bypass colonial merchants & sell directly to shopkeepers
Results in Colonies Boston Tea Party (1773) Colonists blocked all East India Company trading ships from Boston harbor Colonists dress up as Indians & dump 342 chests of tea into Boston harbor to protest Tea Act
British Events Coercive Acts(1774) Known as “Intolerable Acts” in colonies Restricted colonists’ rights, such as trial by jury Allowed British soldiers to search and even move into colonists’ homes (old Quartering Act had expired)
Results in Colonies First Continental Congress(1774) Colonists want reconciliation (make peace with GB), not independence Sent document to King George III demanding he restore their rights
British Events Lexington/Concord (1775) “shot heard ‘round the world” GB sends troops to take supplies from American militia First battles of the Revolutionary War
Results in Colonies Second Continental Congress(1775) Colonists are still trying to decide between reconciliation & independence Many believe a war with GB cannot be won After Thomas Paine writes “Common Sense,” half the delegates agree that independence is the only way