Regular “er” verbs To conjugate a regular “er” verb Remove “er” from the infinitive (the name of the verb) to give you the stem. Add the correct ending e.g. jouer – to play je joue I play/ am playing tu joues you (sing/ familiar) play/ you are playing il joue he plays/ is playing elle joue she plays/ is playing on joue we play/ it plays nous jouons we play/ are playing vous jouez you (plural/ polite) play/ are playing ils jouent they (m) play/ are playing elles jouent they (f) play/ are playing
3. Add the appropriate ending 1. Choose the infinitive e.g. regarder – to watch 2. Remove “er” from the infinitive to give you the stem. regard 3. Add the appropriate ending je regard tu regard il/ elle/ on regard Nous regard Vous regard Ils/Elles regard e es e ons ez ent
Regular “er” verbs adorer to love aimer to like/ love arriver to arrive chercher to look for cliquer to click danser to dance dessiner to draw détester to hate écouter to listen to entrer to enter
Regular “er” verbs habiter to live in jouer to play penser to think regarder to watch, look at rentrer to come back rester to stay surfer to surf taper to type téléphoner to phone travailler to work
Interactive websites to practice Regular “er” Verbs Present Tense of Regular er verbs - Countdown game Practice of regular er verbs 2 - Countdown game Practice all parts of regular er verbs - Countdown game