The Spanish Conquer Two Empires in the Americas


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Presentation transcript:

The Spanish Conquer Two Empires in the Americas In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Hernando Cortes Montezuma Reasons for the Defeat of the Aztecs Francisco Pizarro Reasons for the Defeat of the Incas

The Spaniards conquered the Americas for “God, Glory, and Gold”.

Gold, God, & Glory! Gold-Natural Resources including Gold!! God-To spread Christianity Glory-Power and prestige

Reasons the Spanish were able to Conquer There were many reasons why small groups of Spaniards were able to conquer two large empires in the Americas. The Spaniards had better weapons, cannons, and horses. The Spaniards also introduced smallpox disease to the Americas. This disease led to the deaths of many native people.

“God, Glory, and Gold” The Spaniards conquered the Americas for “God, Glory, and Gold”. The Spaniards wanted to convert the Native American Indians to Christianity. The Spaniards wanted gold and fame.

In 1519, Hernando Cortes arrived in Mexico.

Hernando Cortes In 1519, Hernando Cortes sailed with eleven ships to the coast of Mexico. The Aztec emperor, Montezuma, initially believed that Cortes was a returning Aztec god and sent the Spaniards gifts. Montezuma let the Spaniards enter the Aztec capital.

Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, initially believed that Cortes was an Aztec god. He let Cortes enter the Aztec capital.

The Defeat of the Aztecs The Spaniards attacked the Aztecs. Within three months, the Spaniards defeated the Aztecs. The Spaniards had better weapons. They had cannons and guns. They also had horses and brought smallpox disease to the Aztecs.

The Spaniards used horses in their conquest of the Incas. The Incas were terrified of horses.

In 1532, Francisco Pizarro attacked the Incas.

Francisco Pizarro In 1532, Francisco Pizarro attacked the Incas. The Incas were fighting a civil war. Pizarro captured the Incan emperor.

The Incan emperor offered to fill a large room with gold if Pizarro would release him.

Atahualpa The Incan emperor, Atahualpa, offered to fill a large room with gold if Pizarro would release him. Atahualpa even agreed to be baptized in the Christian faith. Pizarro agreed to release him but once the emperor had filled the room with gold, Pizarro ordered the emperor killed.

Questions for Reflection: Who was Hernando Cortes and what did he do? Who was Montezuma and why did he allow Cortes to enter his capital? Who was Francisco Pizarro and what did he do? What was happening in Incan society prior to Pizarro’s arrival? Why were the Spaniards able to defeat the Aztecs and Incas?