Polynesian Navigation
Where is Polynesia? Made up of over 1000 islands Located in the Pacific Ocean http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Pacific_Culture_Areas.jpg
Navigation They memorized the motion of specific stars Navigated by the sky and ocean Ocean swells (movements in the ocean) would tell them that there was land ahead They used stick charts
Stick charts The chart represented major ocean swell patterns, and the way the islands disrupted the patterns Island locations were represented by the shells tied onto the frame The treads represented prevailing ocean surface wave crests and directions they used to get to the islands
Stick charts
Memorized Knowledge Polynesians had to have a good knowledge on … Stars weather times of travel wildlife species Directions of ocean swells Speed, size and direction of waves Colors of the sea Angles of approaching harbors The Sun rise and Sun set during certain times of the year and in different locations
Polynesian Navigation System used by Polynesian which helps them navigate through thousands of miles of Open Ocean and to make long voyages. They had a good ability to read the night sky
Stars Polynesians were able to create compasses out of stars.