R 2000 Homes Made in Canada 3 Main Areas – Energy Performance – 30-40% less energy Clean Indoor Air Quality Safer Environmental Effects Sets standards on how a house should perform Most Energy efficient, and Environmentally responsible Based on Maximum Energy Consumption Targets No restrictions on looks; looks like any other house Cost Efficient
Easier on natural resources Solar Energy Gains - Use of Sun’s “Free” energy Water Conservation Recycled Material used Less pollutants due to lesser energy used Main Features: Lots of insulation Advance window technology Good Air Ventilation – getting rid of moisture and stale air HRV – Heat Recovery Mechanism Air Sealing – noise reduction, pollutant free Water based finishes, better indoor air, less toxic waste
Highly Skilled Builders, located nationwide. Global Recognition Each Appliance chosen from top 3rd of EnerGuide category For more information: www.envirohome.chba.ca/aboutenvirohome/r2000.html http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/r2000/english/english.html http://r2000.chba.ca/index.php