Français 2, 25 février 2019 Cinq minutes preparer à l’interro 4-1.


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Presentation transcript:

Français 2, 25 février 2019 Cinq minutes preparer à l’interro 4-1. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear in court? Dire – to say. Fais ce que je dis, mais ne fais pas ce que je fais. Do as I say, not as I do. Goals – Succesfully complete and grade quiz 4-1. Introduce Deuxieme Etape. Les Devoirs – Dessinez le vocabulaire à la page 105.

Français 2, 26 février 2019 Get out phones and tablets get Duolingo app and take the assessment. Why did the computer squeek? Seulement – only. C’est seulement de la fiction. It’s only fiction. Goals – Focus on making tablets work. You are my guinea pigs? Les Devoirs – A la page 106, faites le 18.

Français 2, 27 février 2019 Duolingo – ten minutes. Why are blond jokes so short? Faire attention – to be careful. Mais tu feras attention, n’est-ce pas? But you’ll be careful, won’t you? Goals - Work on connecting older knowledge in talking about Martinique. Les Devoirs – Write a dialogue based on the CDO on page 106 and activities in Martinique.

Français 2, 28 février 2019 Duo Lingo – Ten minutes. How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper? Ensemble – together. Nous le regardons ensemble demain soir. We’ll watch it together tomorrow night. Goals – Solidify abitility to suggest and plan activites for Martinique. Learn about emphasizing likes and dislikes. Les Devoirs – Write six sentences based on the CDO on page 107. Use any activities you like or dislike a lot.

Français 2, 1 mars 2019 Duo lingo 10 minutes. How do you get a man to do sit-ups? Faire exprès – to do on purpose. Je n’ai pas fait exprès! I didn’t do it on purpose Goals – Work on expressing emphasizing likes and dislikes while deciding what to do. Les Devoirs – A la page 107, faites le 20.