2012 FIG Taiwan Conference February 17, 2012 Chen-Hanson Ting eP32 Workshop 2012 FIG Taiwan Conference February 17, 2012 Chen-Hanson Ting
Summary Brevia FPGA Development Kit Architecture of eP32 Implementing eP32 Memory and IO Brevia Board and LatticeXP2 ispLEVEL and Diamond IDE Demomnstration
eP32 Workshop Downnload and install DIAMOND 1.4. Install FTDI USB driver. Request and install DIAMOND license. Copy ep32_xp2_5 project. Import ep32_xp2 project. Compile and synthesize ep32_xp2. Program eP32 to Brevia2 Kit. Bring up HyperTerminal. Do exercises on eP32 through HyperTerminal.
Interact with eP32 Type and test the following commands: WORDS HEX 0 80 DUMP ‘ DUP 80 DUMP HERE . 1 2 + . COLD 1 2 3 4 5 .S * * * .
Compile Test Commands Compile the following commands: : TEST2 IF 1 ELSE 2 THEN . ; 1 TEST2 0 TEST2 : TEST3 FOR R@ . NEXT ; : TEST4 FOR 1000 FOR NEXT NEXT ;
Test IO Ports on Brevia2 Kit Turn LED’s on and off: HEX FF E0000001 ! FF E0000000 ! A5 E0000000 ! Read switches and buttons: E0000002 @
Exercise Rewrite the TRAFFIC program for eP32 and try to compile and exercise it.
Final Question How can you ‘Turnkey’ the TRAFFIC program? (‘Turnkey’ means to embed an application program so that it runs when the board powers up.)
Remarks eP32 is the simplest microcontroller. You can understand it and make use of it. Brevia2 is the cheapest FPGA development system. You can use it to do very useful things, if you can get eP32 on board. The possibility is only limited by your imagination.
Questions? Comments? Still Awake?
Conclusion FORTH allows you to optimize an application on all these levels: Solve the problem with high level FORTH commands. Change high level commands to primitive commands. Change primitive commands to CPU instructions. Build specialized IO devices for specific tasks. Build special purpose computer for special tasks.