Hobbes vs. Locke
State of Nature Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) John Locke ( 1632-1704) Man is rational, self-centered He has total freedom, power; all are equal What he owns, he controls by force There is no divine law No natural rights No justice or injustice “Life is solitary, nasty, brutish and short” Man is made in God’s image and free and rational He has the natural rights of life, liberty, and property Men are not by nature wholly selfish but sometimes they transgress Basically life without government is good
Political State Hobbes Locke Limited and specific Absolute to maintain order and peace Force is the basis of government Created through a social contract or covenant Subjects give up rights and power for social order and security The power is surrendered to an individual or a group Subjects surrendered their right to question, reject, or rebel when the social contract was made The purpose of government is to provide peace and security Limited and specific Law is the basis of government The state is created by a social contract between the people and the government. Government purpose is to protect the citizens’ natural rights to life, liberty, and property People retain the right to use force against the government when it violates the contract