Health Risks and Your Behavior Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Health Risks and Your Behavior
Risk Behaviors Actions or choices that may cause injury or harm to you or others.
Consequences The result of actions
Consequences Can be… Physical Mental/emotional Financial Academic Legal Social What would be the consequences of vaping in a school bathroom? Make a list.
Cumulative risks Are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk. Example: Riding a bike in the rain, without a helmet, across a busy street.
Objective Vs. Subjective Statements BASIS FOR COMPARISON OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE Meaning Objective refers to neutral statement which is completely true, unbiased and balanced. Subjective means something which does not shows clear picture or it is just a person's outlook or expression of opinion. Based on Facts and observations Assumptions, beliefs, opinions. Truth Provable Subject relative. Verification Verified Non-verified Reporting Same Varies to a great extent, from person to person, day to day. Decision making Yes No Used in Textbooks and encyclopedias Blogs, comments on social media and biographies.
Subjective Coming from a person’s own views and beliefs, not necessarily the facts. Objective Based on Facts Write down in your notebook one of each.
Prevention Taking steps to make sure something does not happen. What can you do to prevent some thing bad from happening?
Abstinence Not participating in unsafe behaviors or activities.