WT INTEGRATION IN BROADER ARCHITECTURE - for discussion - 2017-08-01
INTRODUCTION The importance of the direction to integrate our WT activities into broader scope, integrating it within ONAP/CORD architecture, has been underlined by the service providers (AT&T, DT, Telefonica) A call organized with CORD TST (Larry Peterson), Lyndon Ong (OTWG Chair), Karthik Sethuraman (TAPI), G.Cazzaniga (WT) has indicated as one of the target of our activities in the next period (see ONF Project Charter Proposal).
Integration ? For integrating it is important to consider that different levels of integration can be performed. From the minimum to the highest level of integration, here the steps to be considered: equipment and inventory alarms upload of configuration configuration statistics For point 3) 4) and 5) it is essential to understand which level of abstractions is requested by upper layer in ONAP/CORD architecture and to define the datamodel (or amend what is available). One possibility specific to WT/OTWG would be to consider TAPI for this purpose (but there would be the need to integrate TAPI interface in ONAP/CORD).
Proposal Having as reference the slide presented by M.Skuropski, prepare a document with a WT propossal specifying for each of the steps presented before the way of possible integration, identifying: Which is the reference interface (if existing). Which are the needed requests for extension of the interfaces. Which are the extension requested in the ONAP/CORD components (if any). Which is the extension requested in the SDN WT controller. This should bring then to a plan for activities for integration and for demonstration. https://login.opennetworking.org/bin/c5i?mid=4&gid=0&rid=5&s3=6&k1=2427
SUM-UP Reference interface Interface extensions requested Extensions in other components Extensions in SDN WT controller equipment and inventory alarms upload of configuration configuration statistics