CBE 417 “Unit Operations” Lecture: 5 12 Sep 2012
Overview Brief thermodynamics review Binary flash with energy balance Multicomponent flash Separation Factor (eqn 1-4; Seader et.al.) Relative Volatility (eqn 2-21; Seader et.al.)
Other Equilibrium Diagrams: P = 1.013 bar T = various oC Benzene - Toluene Y vs X diagram T vs X or Temp vs Composition
Other Equilibrium Diagrams:
Y vs X Diagram (LLE)
Effect of Pressure:
Effect of Pressure: Seader & Henley (2006)
Other Equilibrium Diagrams:
Overview Brief thermodynamics review Binary Flash with energy balance Sequential solution Simultaneous solution Multicomponent Flash
Binary Flash Overall mole balance mole balance on a mole balance on b equilibrium eqn for a mole balance on a
Binary Flash Flash separation: Specify: Find: a = n-pentane b = n-hexane Vfrac 0.471 V/F P 3.000 bar function -1.89E-08 Xa 0.394 Xb 0.606 Ya 0.619 Yb 0.381
Binary Flash Overall mole balance mole balance on a mole balance on b equilibrium eqn for a mole balance on a
Binary Flash Flash separation: Specify: Find: a = n-pentane b = n-hexane
Binary Flash Graphical Solution: mole balance on a solve for ya “Operating Line”
Binary Flash Graphical: Solution! Equilibrium curve y = x Solution! What if f is unknown, but T is known? Za Limits: f = 0 f = 1
Binary Flash Energy Balance EB on CV:
Other Equilibrium Diagrams:
Alternative Thermodynamics Older (hand methods): Raoult’s law Relative Volatility (VLE): Aside (couple with MB)
Separation Factor or Relative Volatility
Effect of Pressure: Seader & Henley (2006)
Constant Relative Volatility?
Alternative Thermodynamics Ki with multicomponent flash: Into MB: Sequential solution: suggestions p 35-37 (Rachford-Rice Eqn) Simultaneous solution technique: suggestions p 40-43
Sizing Flash Drums
Simulators Flash input: Sensitivity Analysis: Design Spec: