Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.3, RL.9-10.5, L.9-10.3 Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 Aim: How do Friar Laurence and the Nurse advise Romeo in Act III, Scene 3 in Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Students will develop an understanding of the consequences and aftermath of the death of Mercutio and Tybalt. Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) What influences have Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet had on modern culture? OR 2.) Lord and Lady Capulet know Romeo killed Tybalt, but they don’t know that Romeo is already married to Juliet. If you’re the parent of Juliet, what would you do once you find out this information?
Common Core Standards: RL.9-10.3, RL.9-10.5, L.9-10.3 Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 Aim: How do Friar Laurence and the Nurse advise Romeo in Act III, Scene 3 in Romeo and Juliet? Objective: Objective: Students will develop an understanding of the consequences and aftermath of the death of Mercutio and Tybalt. Agenda 1.) Do Now: Answer one or both questions, turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share with the class. 2.) Mini-Lesson: Together we will jump back into Act 3, Scene 3 of the play. We’ll be stopping to breakdown certain passages, character/author choices, and plot to better understand the complex language. 3.): Group Work: Comic strips depicting the events of Act 3, Scene 3. 4.): Reflection: Today we learned of the plan the friar devised in order to solve the dilemma that Romeo is in. Do you think it will work? Why or why not? What about the plan might fail?
SPRING BREAK HOMEWORK You are to read "Why it is Ridiculous Not to Teach Shakespeare in School". From the article, identify THREE reasons to teach Shakespeare in schools today. In addition you will WRITE A RESPONSE in a WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPH (10-12 sentences) in which YOU respond to and take a side on the issue of teaching Shakespeare in schools. You should use your own experience reading Romeo and Juliet, your knowledge on the plot, its characters, and themes, or any influence you think it has had on others.
Knock, Knock As Romeo is speaking to the friar about his current dilemma we hear a knock on the door! Remember, people are looking for Romeo to enforce the exile and the nurse is looking for him as well! Who do you think is at the door? The friar implores Romeo to go hide as he goes to open the door, but he initially refuses and has to be convinced! It turns out to the be the nurse. Romeo upon hearing that Juliet has asked for him reveals himself and asks the nurse of her current state. The nurse tells him that she has been weeping, calling out Tybalt’s name, and crying “Romeo.” Romeo thinks that this is because Juliet thinks him a murderer and he does what? Romeo thinking that Juliet now thinks of him as a violent murderer thinks that he now needs to stab himself to deliver justice. The nurse and Friar Laurence have to stop him and the friar delivers a speech scolding him for his actions. Shakespeare continues to link Romeo’s love to violence and suicide. This is, obviously, another instance of foreshadowing.
Let’s See What We Can Do Romeo has to be calmed down by the friar who scolds him calling him weak and “womanish.” The friar in this scene is very much like a father to Romeo, he helps him realize that the prince showed him mercy. Romeo needs to be happy that he is alive, not sad. What does the friar plan to do to solve the problem? (Lines 146) The friar devises a plan for Romeo and Juliet to be together. He suggests Romeo go on with his plan to meet with Juliet that day; however when he leaves her that night he’ll escape to Mantua (another city/town) where he is to live for a period of time. Until when? Romeo is to stay in Mantua until his marriage can be made public and the families can make peace! Once peace has been established they’ll ask the prince for a pardon. Problem solved. What do you think? Sounds like a good plan? Romeo thinks so and he departs off to meet with Juliet once more!
Romeo and Juliet: The Comic You are going to draw your own 8 box comic strip about the events of Act 3, Scene 3! You can choose to focus on one part of the scene or you can summarize the entire scene into 8 boxes (like I did in my example). You MUST include some dialogue. You can use the original text or you can translate it into modern English (like I did).