Final Revision sheet- term2 (Sample test #1)
X √ X X √ X
Syntax Rem Arithmatic equality 7 MultiLine # # Arithmatic equality 7 MultiLine
to determine if the degree is (<0 , = 0 or >0 ) “ تحت الصفر” click Button1 single Set the cursor Focus inside TextBox1 Try ….Catch
Function Sum First , Second Single total
Final Revision sheet- term2 (Sample test #2)
Syntax Harassment “ “ IF .. Then Select .. Case Parameters X X √ √ √ √ “ “ underscore IF .. Then Select .. Case Parameters
To check the student’s Grade and Print “ناجح” if X>=50 ”ناجح“ ”راسب“ Single Current form If x > 50 then MsgBox(“ناجح”) else MsgBox(“راسب”)
Dim N , i As Integer N= textBox1.Text ListBox1.Items.Clear() For i = 1 t o N step 2 ListBox1.Items.Add ( i ) Next i Method Control Property Increase counter variable i Display the odd numbers from 1 to entered value ( N) in ListBox1 Receive value inTextBox1 and assign to variableN the condition (i<=N) is true
Final Revision sheet- term2 (Sample test #3)
TextBox5.Text = TextBox5.Text & “ “ & M Next M √ X √ X √ X Dim M As Integer TextBox5.Text = “ ” For i = 1 t o 17 step 2 TextBox5.Text = TextBox5.Text & “ “ & M Next M
IDE helps handling Const Pi as single = 3.14 Syntax error Dim x As Integer x = Me.textbox1.text Select Case x Case 0 label1.text = " Equal Zero" Case is > 0 Label1.Text = "Greater than Zero" Case is < 0 Label1.Text = "Less than Zero" End Select IDE helps handling Const Pi as single = 3.14 Syntax error Area = pi * r * r Logical error Revise the code IDE helps handling Dim X As Byte Syntax error
2 4 1 3
Const BirthDate as date = # 22/ 11/ 1972 # Dim St_Name as String TextBox1.Text = “ “ ListBox1 . Items . Add ( X ) MsgBox(“Welcome”) TextBox4. Focus ( )