Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only Writing Resources Retrieve your writing binder. Let’s review the scale. Everyday you we will review the scale and the target(s) for the day. Think about how you can put the words from the scale into your own words. You will be responsible for writing the date by each target and color coding it as follows: Green ready to soar Yellow, starting to get it Red, help! I am stuck Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only get 1 scale, YIKES!
Whole Group/Teacher Directed Level 0 Teacher Only – Hand Signals Instruction None Thinking and Sharing thoughts Success for All !
…what do we call the 1st paragraph, and the last. It’s time to Review! Think GPSR. This the ‘’retrieve” step. Informative Essay Recall Describe …what do we call the 1st paragraph, and the last. these 2 paragraphs relate.
Goal: Students will be able to write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Target Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
What’s the Critical Information? Provide a concluding statement or section related to the information or explanation presented Introduce a topic clearly and group related information in paragraphs and sections; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.
No hogs! No logs! Writer’s Review Finish Sea Technology essay So what should I be doing? No hogs! No logs! Finish Sea Technology essay Stand-up, Hand-up, Pair-UP Writer’s Review Writer’s Review
Reflect on your Understanding! On your desk answer the following questions: How does reviewing someone’s writing help you to become a better writer? 2. What do you still need to understand better? Gather what you learned. Process what you learned. Store it for use tomorrow, so you can… RETRIEVE it to be used tomorrow and beyond!
Tuesday: Writing
Whole Group/Teacher Directed Level 0 Teacher Only – Hand Signals Instruction None Thinking and Sharing thoughts Success for All !
…the components of a conclusion. It’s time to Review! Informative Essay Recall Describe …the components of a conclusion. …1 similarity & 1 difference between opinion and informational conclusion. Think GPSR. This the ‘’retrieve” step.
What’s the Critical Information? With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
Writing Boot Camp Time The purpose of “Writing Boot Camp” is review and improve our writing. Your folder you will take home with you, and it will serve as your “study guide.”
Writing Boot Camp Folder Decorate your folder with your name. You have 5 minutes. Go! Today we will be adding “Transitional Words and Phrases” to your folder. Highlight two words from each category. You will practice these words throughout the week.
Boot Camp Activity 1.) At your group you have index cards. 2.) See if you can tell which introduction goes with the conclusion. 3.) Once you have matched the index cards flip them over to see the names match. 4.) Give the writer feedback: Great hook! A lot of Spelling errors, Forgot your…..
Essay Review Take out the essay about having animals in class. You will be using this essay all week, so don’t lose it. With a highlighter underline all the transitional words and phrases you can find in the essay. Remember use your resources from your Boot Camp Folder. At the end of the week, I will collect your writing. You will be graded on tasks we go over this week.
Reflection On your desk, answer the following questions: Gather what you learned. Process what your learning. Store it for use tomorrow, so you can… RETRIEVE it to be used tomorrow and beyond! On your desk, answer the following questions: What new transitional words/phrases are going to try to use? Rate your effort on a scale from 1-5?
Wednesday: Writing
Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only Writing Resources Retrieve your writing binder. Let’s review the scale. Every day you we will review the scale and the target(s) for the day. Think about how you can put the words from the scale into your own words. You will be responsible for writing the date by each target and color coding it as follows: Green ready to soar Yellow, starting to get it Red, help! I am stuck Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only get 1 scale, YIKES!
…1 word that you shouldn’t use? Think GPSR. This the ‘’retrieve” step. Banned Words Recall Describe It’s time to Review! …1 word that you shouldn’t use? …why this is a banned word.
Goal: Students will be able to write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Targets 1.) Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
What’s the Critical Information? Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Writing Boot Camp Folder Today we will be adding “Banned Words to your folder. We will be using a Circle Map. On the right side we will add as we think about them.
Transitional Words Review Copy these words on to your desk, making sure spell them correctly and with proper punctuation. Basically the author, For instance, For example, In particular,
Writing Boot Camp Folder Today we will be adding “Banned Words” to your folder. Let’s brainstorm some words. Add these words to your Circle Map. Banned Words
What words can we use to replace words? Under each “banded” what is a word we could use instead? Turn and talk to your Shoulder Partner, and explain what words you will “police” in your writing. We will make an anchor chart to review all week.
Take out your essay. Example: things Scan your essay for “banned” words. When you find a word make a red line through your essay. Example: things How many banned words did your find? Now switch papers with your Face Partner, and see if he/she will find additional words. At the end of the week, I will collect your writing. You will be graded on tasks we go over this week.
Reflection Gather what you learned. Process what your learning. Store it for use tomorrow, so you can… RETRIEVE it to be used tomorrow and beyond! On an index, write your name at the top, and answer the following questions: Why do we want to avoid “banned” words? Rate your effort on a scale from 1-5?
Thursday: Writing
Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only Writing Resources Grab your writing binder. Let’s review the scale. Every day you we will review the scale and the target(s) for the day. Think about how you can put the words from the scale into your own words. You will be responsible for writing the date by each target and color coding it as follows: Green ready to soar Yellow, starting to get it Red, help! I am stuck Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only get 1 scale, YIKES!
Whole Group/Teacher Directed Level 0 Teacher Only – Hand Signals Instruction None Thinking and Sharing thoughts Success for All !
It’s time to Review! Banned Words Recall Describe …why good writers avoid them. Think GPSR. This the ‘’retrieve” step.
Goal: Students will be able to write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. Targets 1.) all 2.0 and 3.0.
Transitional Words Review Direct Quote Review Copy these words on to your desk, making sure spell them correctly and with proper punctuation. Basically the author, For instance, For example, In particular, Write 2 or more banned words, and a better words to use instead.
Writing Boot Camp Folder Today we will be reviewing how to quote from the text. We will be adding 2 new pages to your folder. You will practice this skill tonight with your family.
Look at your essay. Find a quote and write your quote at the bottom of the page!
Direct Quote Review Look at your essay. Do your quotes follow this skill? Find all of your quotes. Use a green color pencil or crayon to mark the quotation marks, and a red crayon or color pencil for commas and periods. At the end of the week, I will collect your writing. You will be graded on tasks we go over this week.
Reflection Gather what you learned. Process what your learning. Store it for use tomorrow, so you can… RETRIEVE it to be used tomorrow and beyond! On an index, write your name at the top, and answer the following questions: Were you quoting the text correctly? What surprised you? Rate your effort on a scale from 1-5?
Friday: Writing
Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only Writing Resources Grab your writing binder. Take out your passages Let’s review the scale. Every day you we will review the scale and the target(s) for the day. Think about how you can put the words from the scale into your own words. You will be responsible for writing the date by each target and color coding it as follows: Green ready to soar Yellow, starting to get it Red, help! I am stuck Keep your scale in the sheet protector. You will only get 1 scale, YIKES!
Whole Group/Teacher Directed Level 0 Teacher Only – Hand Signals Instruction With permission Thinking and Sharing thoughts Success for All !
Quote Recall Describe It’s time to Review! …how they are different? …the 2 types. …how they are different? Think GPSR. This the ‘’retrieve” step.
Goal Students will be able to write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. 4.W.1.1 Target(s) All targets
Apply all writing targets.. What’s the Critical Information? Apply all writing targets..
Essay Review Take out the essay about having animals in class. Select at least one of the body paragraphs, and rewrite adding a personal connection, and a sprinkle of voice. Turn your essay in when you are finished. You will be graded on tasks we go over this week.
Revise essay. Take a task card and work on it. Select an “I can do...” activity. So what should I be doing?
Reflection Gather what you learned. Process what your learning. Store it for use tomorrow, so you can… RETRIEVE it to be used tomorrow and beyond! On an index, write your name at the top, and answer the following questions: How has Boot Camp helped your writing? Rate your effort on a scale from 1-5?