Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, EPE. Viana do Castelo - Portugal Dr Maria Clara SANTOS Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto Minho, EPE. Viana do Castelo - Portugal
DIABETIC FOOT (Neuropatic ) Patient female, 65 years, diagnose DM2 since 48.( Insulinotratment for 5 years ago ). Retinopathy diabetic, Peripheral neuropathy. Cardiovascular disease(HTA). Presence of pedal pulses. Absence at monofilament 10gr , but she have allways vibratory sensation only on right foot. Lives alone. She never do our recommending because she is very proud !!!! She not use a shoes appropriated. This case reports from April/05 to April/09. April/2005
Before debridement hyperkeratotic tissues, nurse´s work and with the adequate farmacologic treatment…
… and with fabrication of foot orthoses to relieve weight or pression in the ulcer. We can!!
But … she came to our hospital appointment before a biomechanical stress, does a religion walking for 2 weeks and without preventive self-care!!! June/2006
It´s going well…
At another day… Words for what ??? March/2007
And June 2007…
But WE never give up… and in the next reavalutions every 3 mouths… everythings is ok.