The Day of the Saints.
What is the Day of the Saints? part of God restoring His Church part of Christ releasing His Church part of the Holy Spirit going ahead of the Church.
How do we hasten this Day? Live lives worthy of the calling you have received. Eph 4 v 1 Prioritise Character: of Christ, fruit of the Spirit. Eph 4 v2-6
Jesus Has always had a plan for this Day! All Saints to receive grace gifts via people gifts given to the Church. Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors & Teachers given to equip the Saints to continue the Ministry of Jesus now! Body Building till all Saints activated! Then when Christ is seen in His Full Measure in His Church: Harvest time!!!!
A Warning: You Can delay this Day!! If you insist in being infants. If you would rather be tossed to and fro. If you don’t want to have any spiritual backbone and be open to cunning, craftiness & deceit. Put simply however this is Sin & Disobedience!!
A final visual aid of the Day of the Saints! Eph 4 v 16 Speaking the Truth in Love (Character) We will in all things grow up (Maturity) Into Him who is the Head, Christ (one Church) Whole Body, joined, held together, every supporting ligament: grows/builds itself up/ each part doing it’s stuff!!!! The deepest desire of Jesus is for this Day to begin!!!