Just packing a suitcase is not enough!
•The Radboud Travel Clinic is a university expertise centre in the field of travel and tropical medicine •Travel advice is given under the responsibility of academic medical specialists and specialized nurses. • We focus on everyone who is travelling, our care does not stop after departure. • People with health problems as a result of a trip can come to us to get academic care.
The most common travel vaccinations Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B; DTP (diphteria-tetanus-polio); Typhoid; Yellow fever; Rabiës; BCG; Meningococcal vaccination.
Hepatitis A (jaundice) Inflammation of the liver caused by a virus Hepatitis A (jaundice) Inflammation of the liver caused by a virus. The virus is spread by with feces contaminated materials; hands, objects, public toilets, drinks and food. How to prevent: Havrix vaccination: 1 vaccination protects you for one year. After the second vaccination you’re protected for a minimum of 30 years. (There must be at least 6 months between the first and second vaccination )
Hepatitis B Severe, contagious liver infection, chronic liver inflammation may occur. Contamination via body fluids (blood and sperm). From October 2011 they started vaccination of all Dutch newborns against the hepatitis B virus. How to prevent: - use your own toothbrush, nail scissors, tweezers & razor blade. -have save sex, so use condoms. -vaccination against hepatitis B (3 vaccinations are needed, month 0 -1 en 6)
DTP (diphtheria,Tetanus and Polio) Diphtheria is a severe throath infection. Spreads via coughing. Tetanus impairs the nerves that control your muscles. Often it’s a fatal disease. Tetanus is caused by a bacteria that enters the body via a puncture wound. Polio is also known as childhood paralysis. Spreads via a virus in feces , via the sewage it contaminates drinking water or bathing water. For anyone over the age of 19 years and vaccinated as a child: a booster of the DTP vaccination is advised. How to prevent: Revaxis vaccination: one vaccination protects you for ten years.
Typhoid Contagious bowel infection caused by a bacteria (feces) Typhoid Contagious bowel infection caused by a bacteria (feces). Contamination mostly via food and drinks in country’s with lack of hygiene. How to prevent: hand hygiene , be careful with eating/drinking and take a vaccination against typhoid.
Rabies Fatal disease caused by a virus Rabies Fatal disease caused by a virus. Spread by mammals via their saliva (dogs, cats, monkeys, bats etc.) How to prevent: - Stay away from animals, keep a distance. - Don’t feed animals. - Don’t touch dead animals.
What to do after accident with risk of rabies: Call emergency number health insurance If not vaccinated: Antiserum (HARIG) + 5 post-exposure vaccinations If vaccinated: 2 post-exposure vaccinations Vaccination consists of a series of 3 vaccinations on day 0 and day 7. After this series, no anti-serum is required (lifelong protection), but get always 2 post-vaccinations after an accident in a risk country. Antiserum (MARIG) is a blood product, it’s often not available at the holiday destination.
Mosquitoes Malaria – Dengue – Chikungunya – ZIKA- Yellow fever-Japanese Encephalitis How to prevent: Anti-mosquito measures, tablets or vaccination - Mosquito net - Mosquito Repellent - Airco - Cover Exposed Skin
STD’s HIV, Hepatitis B, Gonorrhea, Syphilis en Chlamydia. These diseases are spread via unprotected sexual contact with a contaminated person. HIV en Hepatitis B are also spread via blood-blood contact. How to prevent: Use condoms! Use Dutch condoms, in other country’s, condoms ar not always reliable or available in the right size. The contraceptive pill doesn’t protect you against STD’s! Always ask your doctor if you have any doubts or complaints and do not hesitate to report your doctor that you may have a STD.
Traffic Main cause of non-natural death Americans in Thailand en Vietnam: motoraccidents! Travelers up to 3x higher risk than locals.
Traffic accidents Limit the risks: Make sure you know the local traffic rules and watch out! Think twice before catching a crowded bus or boat. Active sports (diving, rafting, etc), are risky. Do not travel alone and avoid traveling in the dark in rural areas. With a motor or scooter more accidents happen than with a car. In general: Get out if it doesn’t feel safe!
Traffic accidents NO YES
Traffic accidents
General advice for a safe trip Food and drinks: • Drink only bottled water • Do not drink unpasteurized milk • Do not eat raw food • Avoid ice cubes and ice-cream Cook it, boil it, peel it or leave it! Insects: Use insect repellent with DEET of lemon-eucalyptus, to keep mosquitoes or other insects away.
Leave well-prepared, come back healthy! • Expert and personal advice, vaccination and counseling. • Easily schedule an appointment online. • We’re open every day, on Monday till 19u. • Everybody is welcome! • If you have health problems during or after your trip, the infectiologist is easily contacted. • Make an appointment at the Radboud travel clinic!
Radboud Travel Clinic Visiting address: Geert Grooteplein 8 6525 GA Nijmegen Entrance pharmacy, route number 434 Telephone number: 024-3655615 www.radboudtravelclinic.nl