ESS Vision 2020
Why does the ESS need a strategic debate on its future today? "Information and knowledge are fundamental building blocks for all modern societies" ****************** "Official statistics offer an information infrastructure and a public good that responds to the needs of many categories of users - citizens, decision makers, researchers and journalists" "Official statistics have always strived to adapt to major developments in society and the economy"
Four main drivers Data revolution New metrics Price of statistics Future of Europe Digital transformation Globalisation Quality vs. resources Enhanced economic governance New data sources Complex reality Reduced budgets Evidence based policy making Competition among data providers Geo-details Cutting the red tape Objectives, thresholds, quality requirements
A further important step in the development of European statistics COM (2009)404 Vision COM (2009)433 GDP and beyond (2011)211 Robust quality ESSC Nov.2012 ESS.VIP Programme Reg. 99/2013 ESP 2013-2017 ESS Vision 2020 "The ESS provide the EU, the world and the public with independent high quality information on the economy and society on European, national and regional levels and make the information available to everyone for decision-making purposes, research and debate." Reg. 223/2009 ESS
A cooperative approach at ESS level: Task Force Vision 2.0 September 2013 DGINS Open brainstorming on improving the cooperation within the ESS Task Force Vision 2.0 Elaborating a shared vision on the future of European statistics… …taking into account the perspectives of individual ESSC members Working together 7 months 14 countries and Eurostat physical and virtual meetings 2 DG workshops
Five priority areas Users Quality New data sources Production process better understand and address user needs be a global partner and leader for innovation build strategic alliances with public and private partners Users abide with the European Statistics Code of Practice apply fit-for-purpose tools to enhance quality assurance assess the usability and quality of source data Quality exploit potential of new data sources invest in new IT tools and methodology continue to improve existing data collection methods New data sources adopt a new dissemination and communication strategy create a data pool of European statistics optimise ESS portfolio of products and services promote European statistics as a brand Dissemination further intensify the collaborative partnership of the ESS further identify and implement standards for statistical production adopt enterprise architecture as a common reference framework advance in sharing IT services and infrastructure benefit from exchange of (micro)data, while fully respecting statistical confidentiality Production process
Guiding principles in the implementation of ESS Vision 2020 Acknowledge diversity Respect the key EU principles of subsidiarity and proportionality Ensure satisfaction of European, national and regional needs simultaneously Avoid duplication of work where possible Abide with the European Statistics Code of Practice and the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Adhere to the general quality management principles Optimise value for money and burden on respondents
Implementation approach Vision owner: ESSC Inclusive decision-making Business cases Monitoring of actions Training and learning Staff exchanges Cooperation with academia Building know-how IT infrastructure Financial and legal frameworks Administrative procedures Trust & dialogue Shared goals Commitment Centres of excellence People and skills Working together Supporting frameworks Governance
ESSC agreement – 15 May 2014 The ESSC: Came to an agreement on the ESS Vision 2020 as the guiding frame for the ESS development during the years up to 2020 Endorsed the PG Chair's proposal for working arrangements and a roadmap leading up to the 2014 September DGINS meeting in Riga Agreed to align the ESS.VIP Programme with the ESS Vision 2020 Welcomed the roadmap for the extension of the European Statistical Programme for the period 2018-2020 on the basis of the ESS Vision 2020
An inclusive approach GEMS – Generic Enterprise Model for Statistics Users Quality Production Processes New data sources Portfolio Enterprise Architecture principles Dissemination Portfolio of activities to implement the ESS Vision 2020 in the 5 key areas
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